Who the fuck made JP a moderator?

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Pyrus said:
I can't turn around five seconds and some chick pea-eating Arab schmuck takes over my message board! It's enough to make a man sick! You meshuggenah bastards, for THIS we suffered for four thousand years?

Really, that was new.

Go eat some gefilte fish and realize this is the greatest day of YOUR LIFE.
This forum shouldn't have one moderator. It should be like many other boards and have several, preferably people who are active at different times. This is a better way to maintain a forum for obvious reasons.
Yeah.....that would be a nice idea. Have to make sure to find two people in different timezones or who would be active different times.
Thraxz said:
I'm afraid...
EDIT: Why did GoD get the boot anyhow?

A combination of moving terrible threads to the CoB/Nevermore/SoT forums, derailing certain shitty threads, editing shitty posts for the purposes of humour and an abundance of racial slurs, I should imagine (I wasn't given a reason, just a polite little pm telling me he was looking for someone else).

JP is moderating pretty much how I was in my early stages, but he won't keep it up.
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