Who thinks Mikael Should get rid of his mustache?

Originally posted by Smekermann
Who fucking cares? You people fucking start threads about the most inane shit possible.

Also, KielbasaSausage like to take it up the ass. His dad told me so. LOL!

Lol...i think im gonna start a post asking whether mikael should shave his pubes into the shape of a heart? whadda ya think?
Originally posted by Smekermann
Who fucking cares? You people fucking start threads about the most inane shit possible.

Also, KielbasaSausage like to take it up the ass. His dad told me so. LOL!

:rolleyes: Now you're starting shit over here with that kielbasa? Dude, face it, you're fuckin pathetic. For the love of God, find a razor blade or anything sharp and slit your wrists. Please. If you dont want to do it for me, do it for the rest of the people on this board.
Originally posted by Smekermann
Tongue-in-cheek, bitch. Learn to differentiate, you stupid gay.

hey its not my fault that you forget how retarded you really are.

:lol: and stop coming up with your "Toungue-in-cheek" excuses. its obvious that you have no other way of verbally defending yourself.
this thread makes baby jesus cry...... and hs stache is escellent, i bet smekermann got one exactly like that in his rectum......

*raises both hands and also my schlong*
I think Mikael should shave off the mustache, and then hold a contest on the Official website that is set up like a quiz, which questions fans about random Opeth facts. The winner will be randomly selected from all of the contestants who score 100% on the quiz, and their prize will be a free copy of Deliverance with Mikael's mustache included in the packaging. Great idea, huh guys?