Who wants their voice on DT's new album?

Dream theater forum got shut down a few days ago... If they did set one up on UM I would probably run from here and never come back.:lol:
Yeah, but the people in the Philosopher section do a good job of saying "Stfu, n00b!!!" They're all formal about it, using links to articles and other outside resources, they don't get all worked up and directly attack other people in just one sentence (most of them at least don't seem to). They use what little logical side of the "I'm right and you're not." attitude there is to use.
I just don't get why people get so emotional about it. I mean, I see the kind of fierce and unbending arguments that are usually reserved for the abortion and gay rights debates.

It's a band.

Like them? Listen.
Don't? Don't.

I'm with progmetalpilgrim.


I hate Dream Theater because i (speaking on behalf of our band) asked Portnoy to join our band in 1996 and he laughed....well fuck you Mike...who's laughing now?.....oh :erk:

And Van Halen I is the greatest debut album of all time.


I hate myself for caring again. I think I need some medication or something to get me to just stop caring about Dream Theater discussions.

It's a Crusade! Crush the unbelieving heathen! :kickass: :lol:

just don't visit the opeth board. it's far more saturated with idiocy.

Sound advice Kenneth, I've learnt firsthand about the idiocy which runs rife within the constraints of that particular forum... :erk:

*Thanks science that DT doesn't have a forum here on UM*

There would be a virtual massacre as every man and his dog tried to put foward their own opinion whilst flaming down every other... :lol:
It'd be entertaining as hell to read, but woe to any well meaning fan who got caught up in it... :zombie: