Who wants to interpret some SX lyrics?


Have a nice day! :)
Jul 17, 2008
Sorry about this, but something is preventing me from sleeping and as sad as it is, I literally have nothing better to do with my time right now. So let's hit the lyrics. Most are narrative in nature and not hard to deduce, but some are a little...weird.

I'll start:

I've always thought Dressed to Kill was about somebody waiting for an older relative to die in order to collect the inheritance.

The Turning - Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, maybe? Or at least a story in the same vein / inspired by it.

The Raging Seasons sounds to me like it's referencing the demiurge and archons of Christian Gnosticism, wherein the God of the physical world and his angels are evil and are bent on keeping humanity enslaved. ("tyrants" is a translation often used for the evil angels or archons/rulers of the world)

King of Terrors - maybe this is supposed to be obvious, but I missed it for the longest time: "to the left and to the right" in the chorus is not just a dumb rhyme - it refers to the movements of the pendulum.

In the Dragon's Den reminds me a lot of Plato's Cave (Chained down to the rack, hypnotic array of lights, ring of smoke and fire, born with second sight) The overall message seems the same, too.

Orion - The Hunter is about the mythological character Orion, but seems to extend the metaphor by simultaneously referring to a hero who is following the literal star Orion (that looks down on/"hunts" him from above as he sails the sea, in search of "light," also a double meaning). The double-narrative that refers both to the man and Orion himself is solidified in the end when he says "I'm the hunter." Unless I'm reading too much into it, the lyrics are really clever. And I'm personally a sucker for sailing metaphors.

So yeah, what else has anyone noticed? Or if this well runs dry too fast, non-SX lyrics too. Because damn there is a lot to ponder.
I enjoy talking lyrics. As a final highschool project in web coding I made a site about Symphony X lyrics and even posted about it back in 2007. I haven't touched it since then but can you believe it's still active? http://symphonyxsongmeanings.110mb.com/

I have no idea what Dress To Kill is about but I always loved the way that it's sung and it's cryptic meanings.

Turning is defnitley Dr. Jeckyll Mr. Hyde. The part where it's like "this ill effect, of my creation" seems like a battle between the 2 egos, where the heavier vocals are for Mr. Hyde and the distraught vocals are Dr. Jeckyll.

King Of Terrors is entirely based off of Edgar Alan Poe's The Pit And The Pendulum. It's a very cool and dark short story and I recommend you read it, it's not that long.

In The Dragon's Den I always thought of some kind of ancient race/religion that's getting wiped out but they have to "find a way to carry on." Something along the lines of that.

I completely agree with you on Orion. It's like a fusion of the myth and the actual star arrangement.
I enjoy talking lyrics. As a final highschool project in web coding I made a site about Symphony X lyrics and even posted about it back in 2007. I haven't touched it since then but can you believe it's still active?

Nice, gonna check it out and see.

In The Dragon's Den I always thought of some kind of ancient race/religion that's getting wiped out but they have to "find a way to carry on." Something along the lines of that.

I could see this too. Or maybe it's just like Sea of Lies...drowning a simple point in a bunch of over-the-top fantastical metaphors.

Surprised this wasn't bumped again - what, no one likes lyrics? I know everyone does. Don't be shy. :)
I still strongly believe that Church of the Machine is about the Shrike and its following. It is a character in Hyperion books by Dan Simmons.