Who would you like to see Andy produce?

Wow, the new Amon Amarth is probably my favorite production of the last 12 months. Not only that, I think its the strongest AA album ever, by far.

I will definitely agree on that one - Jens Bogren is an absolute god. His recent stuff has been nothing short of amazing... Ghost Reveries, The Great Cold Distance, Dismantling Devotion, With Oden On Our Side... Shit.

I'd kill to hear Arsis by Sneap, as well.

Neuraxis would be interesting to hear with awesome production, as would Quo Vadis.

Decapitated would also rule.

Biomechanical with Andy tracking and producing would kick a ton of ass!

And here's to dreaming: At The Gates, SOTS era.
Whoa, whoa.....

"Covenant" was engineered and produced by none other than FLEMING RASMUSSEN. 'Nuff said.

"Domination" was engineered and produced by none other than Kill Bennedy. 'Nuff said.

"Gateways..." was engineered and produced by Jim Morris. 'Nuff said.

Did you miss these?

Anyway, it would still be cool to have Andy produce them. Maybe by just having his name on the album the band may get some better #'s for units sold.

I haven't heard Gateways, Covenant & Domination both have good old school sound, but it would be interesting to hear Morbid Angel with a modern sound.
Wow, the new Amon Amarth is probably my favorite production of the last 12 months. Not only that, I think its the strongest AA album ever, by far.

Just goes to show how opinions differ.

And just to keep on topic:
I'll second In Flames
Judas Priest

OK, so WOOOS does sound pretty awsome in comparison to the two albums preceeding it. I would be interested in hearing what Andy could do with their sound, but in all honesty, they won't release another album to stand up to "Once Sent..." unless some true miracle occurs. As "bad" as some might think that album sounds, I think it was the perfect AA album.

Appologies for gonig slightly off topic.
someone said metallica to prevent another st anger. Metallica is currently working with rick rubin, i cant wait for this since rick is great with drums, i hope lars doesnt fuck it!!!

i'd like to see a sepultura reunion doing a new album with andy, it would be killer !!!!

disforme too! lol

well.... Andy could tell us which bands he'd like to produce!
i know he would love to produce slayer....i read it in somewhere....

i add slayer too, would be awesome slayer getting a good guitar sound! i hate their guitar sound,except in diabolus!
I think he means the singer from the "Blind" album. Classic album with the worst sound. IMO Pepper's a great frontman though, no offense to him.

You're trippin'....BIG TIME. That album kills! And it sounds fuccn awesome.