Who you leaning towards in 2008 Presidential Election?

Rock the Vote (With your cack out)

  • Rudy "I love faggoths" Giuliani

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That midget liberal who looks like an old Guardian of Darkness

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Just the fact that NC is even a battleground state is a BAD BAD BAD sign for McCain. I'm voting absentee, since we already know who's gonna win California.

At this point, it looks like McCain could win Florida, Ohio, North Carolina and Virginia* and STILL LOSE. The only question is: what gimmick does the increasingly-desperate McCain have up his sleeve THIS time??? Barring a battle with Osama Bin Laden on top of a skyscraper in which Johnboy impales the bastard with an antenna and Osama proceeds to fall hundreds of floors and land on a bus full of Nickelback fans that in turn explodes, it's going to very tough to turn this thing around.

*EDIT: and Colorado
Pretty close race when you look at it state by state though (from your source)

State #EV Mid-Date Barack Obama John McCain
California 55 9/24/08 53.0 43.0
Texas 34 9/29/08 43.0 52.0
New York 31 9/24/08 57.0 38.0
Florida 27 0/23/078 0.0 0.0
Illinois 21 9/17/08 56.0 36.0
Pennsylvania 21 9/28/08 50.0 42.0
Ohio 20 9/29/08 47.0 45.0
Michigan 17 9/30/08 51.0 41.0
Georgia 15 9/30/08 44.0 50.0
New Jersey 15 9/28/08 52.0 0.0
North Carolina 15 9/30/08 50.0 47.0
Virginia 13 9/30/08 45.0 48.0
Massachusetts 12 9/23/08 55.0 39.0
Indiana 11 9/29/08 45.0 48.0
Missouri 11 9/29/08 49.0 48.0
Tennessee 11 9/29/08 39.0 58.0
Washington 11 9/22/08 54.0 43.0
Arizona 10 9/29/08 38.0 59.0
Maryland 10 9/18/08 54.0 39.0
Minnesota 10 9/29/08 54.0 43.0
Wisconsin 10 9/27/08 49.0 40.0
Alabama 9 6/26/020 36.0 51.0
Colorado 9 9/28/08 49.0 48.0
Louisiana 9 9/25/08 40.0 55.0
Kentucky 8 9/24/08 41.0 53.0
South Carolina 8 9/22/08 39.0 58.0
Connecticut 7 9/25/08 54.0 38.0
Iowa 7 9/25/08 51.0 43.0
Oklahoma 7 9/29/08 34.0 64.0
Oregon 7 9/23/08 52.0 41.0
Arkansas 6 9/21/08 41.0 53.0
Kansas 6 9/22/08 41.0 53.0
Mississippi 6 9/30/08 44.0 52.0
Nebraska 5 9/15/08 34.0 60.0
New Mexico 5 9/30/08 52.0 44.0
Nevada 5 9/30/08 48.0 47.0
Utah 5 9/12/08 29.0 65.0
West Virginia 5 9/24/08 42.0 50.0
Hawaii 4 9/10/08 63.0 32.0
Idaho 4 9/9/08 29.0 68.0
Maine 4 9/23/08 49.0 44.0
New Hampshire 4 9/23/08 47.0 49.0
Rhode Island 4 9/13/08 58.0 39.0
Alaska 3 9/16/08 38.0 55.0
Delaware 3 9/23/08 57.0 37.0
South Dakota 3 9/20/08 39.0 55.0
Montana 3 9/23/08 39.0 52.0
North Dakota 3 9/17/08 40.0 53.0
Vermont 3 9/20/08 56.0 38.0
Wyoming 3 9/23/08 36.0 57.0
District of Columbia 3 9/12/08 82.0 13.0

Not to mention these polls are never the most accurate. If the polls were accurate, both Gore and Kerry would have been elected.

Speaking of the electoral college... my first move when I become the most important person in the US is to remove that fucking broken system.
OH shit! Orielly is interviewing Barney Frank tonight before the debate! About time someone put that cocksucker Frank in his place for fucking everything up.
Not to mention these polls are never the most accurate. If the polls were accurate, both Gore and Kerry would have been elected.

Not so. If you look at "this day in 2004," it shows Bush leading Kerry 296-238. And I'm pretty sure the polls on election day showed a very close race, with Bush slightly ahead.
I've never been polled once, nor has the horde of All-American conservative tax payers who I align myself with. All these polls are silly. Most of them include a disproportionate amount of negars, who have hard enough time eating watermelon without swallowing the seeds, let alone will have the inspiration come Nov 4th. to miss a quarter of poophoop to knuckle in their vote. Free slaves represent a little over 10% of the population, yet most polls see 20%+ questioned. This is another tactic to knock the wind out of conservatives sails, and shepherd in the undecided independents who rather be on the winning side of the fence. Yes, voters are that fickle.
I've never been polled once, nor has the horde of All-American conservative tax payers who I align myself with. All these polls are silly. Most of them include a disproportionate amount of negars, who have hard enough time eating watermelon without swallowing the seeds, let alone will have the inspiration come Nov 4th. to miss a quarter of poophoop to knuckle in their vote. Free slaves represent a little over 10% of the population, yet most polls see 20%+ questioned. This is another tactic to knock the wind out of conservatives sails, and shepherd in the undecided independents who rather be on the winning side of the fence. Yes, voters are that fickle.

Also keep in mind that most polls call little/no cellphones. Who are the young, non-landline-having cellphone users going to vote for? And would the polls be as silly if it showed McCain with the same advantage? And when was the last time a state COMPLETELY shocked the polls by going another way? True, it's hard to gauge, and an inexact science, but it's not like the numbers are being culled from thin air.
You know what's a better gauge than these silly polls?!?! Bumper stickers and lawn signs. So far I've seen three-thousand Obama stickers/signs, & one for McCain. That's right, just one. :erk:

O'Reilly - "Is there any one at PBS not in the liberal camp?!? Perhaps Elmo? :lol:
You know what's a better gauge than these silly polls?!?! Bumper stickers and lawn signs. So far I've seen 3,000 Obama stickers/signs, & 1 for McCain. That's right, just 1. :erk:

But dude... this is California! Go to my hometown in NC, it's about the same ratio, except the other way.
I haven't been this excited to watch anything since Star Wars I came out ... and I will probably leave just as dissapointed
I once read that John Kerry was the best thing that happened to Bush. Had the democrats had even a marginal candidate, they would have won. My guess is that they will say the same thing about Biden and Palin. If they put her up against someone that wasn't such a tool, her ignorance and arrogance would surely shine through. She may be an aggressive, savvy politician, but she is unbelievably outside of her league. Those who think she's not out of her league should then consider that the one mighty Jesse Ventura has FAR more experience than she does.

Ron Paul & Jesse Ventura...let's get them added to the ballot!!!
North Carolina:


South Carolina:

the bimbo came out swinging for the first 15 minutes ... but she is becoming redundant now and running out of things to say.

but I can imagine chubby walmart hoppers saying hell yeah in front of their telly