Who you leaning towards in 2008 Presidential Election?

Rock the Vote (With your cack out)

  • Rudy "I love faggoths" Giuliani

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That midget liberal who looks like an old Guardian of Darkness

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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My first thoughts... for all you religious nuts out there, Biden's use of the word god: 4 times, Palin's 2 times.

I was going into this thinking Palin was gonna be more "god this, god that" in her arguements. I was proved wrong in that sector...

More thoughts to come!
that doesnt bother me. but how many of those "Gods" were in his final sentences? 3 I think


1 when talking about his son in the National Guard, one when referring to the question involving Obama dieing.

I'm pissed because me and the old man were playing a drinking game, which called for an entire beer every time Palin brought up the name of God. :(
I don't have a problem with religious people (generally speaking). I don't have a problem with religious politicians (though many, especially in the US, put up more of a facade than anything else). What I have a problem with is religious politicians who base policy decisions on religious matters. As somebody who's used to the political process, I understand that you have to compensate for pandering, as it's just part of the game. You have to say certain things to even have a chance at getting elected.
after tonight and the last few times I heard him speak, I am really surprised how he slipped through the cracks when he himself ran.

out of all these 4 main players ... I think Biden is by far the most well rounded
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

In the manner of Biden, "Frank God love him."

A couple things we've learned.

1) We're still going to be stuck nation building in the Middle East for the next 4 years.
2) We're safe from the gays for now
3) The moderator believes Obama will be snuffed & McCain will have a heart attack
4) Sarah Palin's ass is fucking extraordinary! Holy FUCK!
5) Biden has his head up his ass when it comes to the financial cesspool that we're currently in. Not once did he make mention of the dregs of society (his base) having to accept some accountability for this crisis.
That was fairly pointless but I watched the entire thing. Biden seems to have "won" the debate is there is such a concept but Palin didn't do too bad. Err, "not as bad as I expected" would be more accurately stated. She faltered during the second half of the debate though, just rehashing the same tepid concepts and not really answering questions. Biden seems to know his shit. He should: he's been in the Senate since he was two years younger than I am now. There were a couple instances where he could have destroyed Palin but didn't for some reason.
Pros for both:

- Presented themselves very well.
- Did not interupt each other, and let each person get their opinion and view point out cleanly and efficiently
- Brought up the numbers and facts pertaining to the conversation at hand

Cons for both:

- Talked too much about the person they're running under and not about themselves. This was evident in the section about what they would do if they were to become president by some means.
- Didn't seem to defend themselves as much as they were defending their upper ticket partners.

Pros for Palin:

- Was very efficient in timing and wording of answers.
- Used her experience as Alaska's head greatly and used it when it pertained to the matter at hand.
- Acted like a human being and did not act vindictive AT ALL in the debate.

Cons for Palin:

- Show'd her inexperience in several sections, including Foriegn Policy matters, by mimicing the direct answers of John McCain
- Over use of the phrase "Greed and Corruption on Wall Street"

Pros for Biden:

- Used his knowledge gained from his time in Senate very well.
- Had the numbers and the facts ready very quickly and displayed this knowledge very well. While Palin had them, she didn't time them as well as Biden did.
- Funny faces!
- Didn't make a truly deplorable statement for once.

Cons for Biden:

- Funny faces!
- Inability to sound like a down to earth human being. He sounded like a Political Lawyer robot at times.
- Did not defend himself well enough against Palin's attacks against his pre-2007 senate record and relations to John McCain.

Overall, it was a tie. A big fucking tie. Palin brought what I expected, but Biden didn't bring enough of the usual Joe Biden fury. Both played this lightly as to not hurt their running mates, and that disapointed me a bit. However, it was probably for the best.
i agree that biden could have hit the knockout a few times, but hesitated. most likely because it would have been spun to make him look like a bully.

in short: he knew he was on eggshells.
Biden is known for taking the risky "asshole response" route in such discussions and he completely refrained, which makes me suspect that Obama's campaign had a shock collar on him, and whenever he even looked like he was thinking of saying "God damn you're a stupid cunt", they gave him a little jolt, resulting in the change in funny facial expression to even funnier facial expression.
I found the down to earth style from Palin really fucking annoying. I don't want a down to earth person as a vice president; I want a professional.