Who you leaning towards in 2008 Presidential Election?

Rock the Vote (With your cack out)

  • Rudy "I love faggoths" Giuliani

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That midget liberal who looks like an old Guardian of Darkness

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Bro, I'd like to think we're one notch above Penguins on the evolutionary ladder. A hammerhead recently gave birth via parthenogenesis, it doesn't make it the norm. I'd like to hear an argument for faggots becoming faggots as an adaptive response to their environment. Sucking dick as an out to the societal pressures of proper marriage and fatherhood. A self-imposed vasectomy, sparing one's phantom children the hardships of coping with a Father who has no paternal instincts to be passed down.

<Snap> goes the Vlasdic, the pain is too much to bear.
The evolutionary ladder doesn't exist. Not everything selected for is what we have. It not being natural is a logical fallacy.
From an opinion piece on FOXNEWS.com, of what a parent should say to their college freshmen kids...

Dear Muffy,

We wish you luck. We're so proud of you, and know you'll do great.

But if you come home claiming meat is murder, while sporting a nose ring and some Asian tattoo stamped on the crack of your ass &#8212; you can't come in. If you want to make a statement by mutilating the body God gave you &#8212; then go the whole nine: Cut off your face and join a carnival. At least that's a career move with strong profit potential.

If, while away, you've decided that America is at fault for everything, then you will sleep in the backyard and crap in a hole you dug yourself. After all, your professors admire Third World countries, so why not live like you're in one?

E-mail the Show: redeye@foxnews.com Greg Gutfeld's Bio Greg's Greg-alogue Archive Greg Draws the News! We do hope college "opens" your mind, but if you announce that terrorism is just the powerless speaking to the powerful, then we will beat the crap out of you. But we won't behead you. We'll leave that to the powerless.

If you also tell us that capitalism is corrupt and socialism is supreme, then hand over your cell phone and your credit cards. Practice what you preach and reject these trappings of an evil market system. We also want your bong. What can we say? We've earned it.

Also, if you must lecture your father on evil corporations, remember that he toiled at one for years so he could afford your tuition, while paying thousands into useless government programs that your teachers embrace. If, after that, you're still moaning, you will do it naked. Because we will take the clothes off your back and kick you out on your ass. See how life works when everything we worked so hard for disappears?

Finally, if you really think you're an individual &#8212; that is, a person who leads instead of follows &#8212; then you should easily resist the indoctrination of your delusional professors, misguided dormies and anyone with purple hair.

But if you come home and suddenly you're "edgy" and "angry" &#8212; claiming that the BS you picked up on campus is better than the common sense we taught you &#8212; then you'll need to find new parents.

Don't worry, we'll still love you. We just can't stand you.
How could one not "LOL" when McCain turned to Obama and said "If you wanted to run against bush so bad you should have ran 4 years ago!".

Also, this isn't the McCain we've been seeing the last few months. A little more balls than usual, and not as "repeaty". Little more stuttering than usual, but thats because I think he's actually thinking a bit.