Who you leaning towards in 2008 Presidential Election?

Rock the Vote (With your cack out)

  • Rudy "I love faggoths" Giuliani

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That midget liberal who looks like an old Guardian of Darkness

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Dismissed it? He ignored half of his associations and prior work with the fucking organization! And what about the last 15 years when dealing with Ayers? He said nothing of it! He didn't even say "I had no real associations", he just ignored it.
What the fuck is wrong with Furcal?!?! 3 errors in 1 inning? James Loney is equally as pathetic. I feel bad for Maddux, this man has made 6 outs, and he's still on the hot seat. Thank God I'm not a Dodger fan, I'd be pissed right now. :lol:
I'm pleased with the phillies showing right now.

I'm now going to try to fit into my Phillies t-shirt for the first time in years. A team I can actually stand behind.
You know, it's funny - out at the pub last week, the NLCS was on TV. I haven't given a shit about baseball all season - this is a bad time to be a San Francisco sports fan, and I basically paid just enough attention to know Barry Zito was a terrible idea. But watching that game, I realized that I still really, really fucking wanted LA to lose. I don't like Giants, but I sure hate the Dodgers.
Yeah, actually, when I was checking out SoCal colleges, my dad, my uncle and I went to a Dodgers-Giants game. Giants took the first 2 of the series, and then for the one we actually went to got spanked by double digits. I was wearing black and orange and felt seriously fucking unsafe in the parking lot - and those lunatics were in a good mood.
i'll give this one to McCain ... and I actually like his education policy better than Obama's ... very European in practice, rewarding and pushing the smart kids, not just dumping money in all the shitty schools that are beyond help anyway.
If either McCain or Palin refers to some mythical creature named Joe Plumber or Joe Six-Pack ever again, I'm going to kill myself.
i didnt see it, but my wife (who is a school teacher) said she was offended and confused when apparently, McSame said that people in the military should be able to teach without having to pass certifications....?
Fuck yeah! Phillies win!

Shame I am not in Philly anymore since I probably seem pretty odd to the people in this town outside honking my horn for 3 minutes...
watching the debate now. is it just me, or is mcsame being a smug SOB? very unlikeable.

why is it so hard for mcsame to understand the tax cuts for 95% of americans? this is a utilitarian gov't. what is best for THE MAJORITY is what should happen. trickle down economics, which benefits the rich minority DOES NOT WORK! nothing is built from the top down.
after the last 8 years, all ive got is hope. stuff may actually happen with the dems controlling washington.

im middle class. in no way does mcsame understand me. i dont own 5 houses. im trying to pay for one.