Who you leaning towards in 2008 Presidential Election?

Rock the Vote (With your cack out)

  • Rudy "I love faggoths" Giuliani

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That midget liberal who looks like an old Guardian of Darkness

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The Obama campaign is whining about this interview calling the station "unprofessional" for the way it went:

Fuck, these are the kinds of interviews that NEEDED to happen earlier. Biden was unprofessional by calling the questions a joke and asking who wrote the questions.
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The questions were a joke. A lot of them anyway. And the McCain campaign is in no position to be accusing the Obama campaign of shutting out the media with every question that one of them answers in a retarded way magically becoming a "gotcha question". That's all I'm going to say.
i voted no on all of em. california doesnt have any money for all that bullshit, fuck em.

I'm there with you buddy. The one's I gave a yes to won't have any significant fiscal impact.

Prop 1A NO
Prop 2 Yes (Give the chickens some space)
Prop 3 No
Prop 4 Yes (Parent needs to be advised if daughter is carrying out an abortion)
Prop 5 No
Prop 6 Yes (Tougher penalties on piece of shit gangbangers)
Prop 7 No
Prop 8 Yes (Prevention of State Sponsored AIDS, Keep the faggots off the altar)
Prop 9 - Yes (Expansion of victim's rights. Sets first parole hearing of lifers from 5 years to 15 years. Limits the wasteful spending of state offered defense attorneys. You'll save a buck with a Yes vote)
Prop 10 - No
Prop 11 - Yes (Creates a non-partisan committee that will take over the task of drawing up legislative districts)
Prop 12 - Yes (Veteran's Bond Act, basically the same thing that has been offered to Vet's since World War 1. A simple re-up. )

Measure R - No
Measure J - No
Measure Q - No
Measure A - No
Measure B - No

All of the above measures would create nearly a billion dollars worth of bonds EACH.
I'm voting FUCK NO on Prop 8, don't much care about the others.

President still undecided, because McCain sucks, Obama just doesn't suck quite as much, and none of the third party people really speak to me. Probably just write-in FUCK PALIN and be done with it.
I'm voting FUCK NO on Prop 8,


Ahh, here's the shit we've been waiting for. This popped up tonight: Some classic Obama via 2001 discussing how it's so wrong that the constitution doesn't have the stuff for the redistribution of wealth is a legislative governmental task.

What a fucking asshole. If you're going to enact socialist policies, and essentially change the meaning of the american dream, just fucking say it like you did in the past.

Also, I just loooooooove the way he brings the civil rights movement not doing everything it should for the blacks to get their chunk of change from a non-existent redistribution of wealth. Fucking COCKSUCKER.

Any ideas on how he's going to try and defend a statement like: "One of the.. I think, tragedies of the civil rights movement was, um, because the civil rights movement became so court focused I think there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalition of powers through which you bring about redistributive change..."


Oh, if you haven't seen this one:

95... a large amount of "Whites are keeping the black man down, whiteys don't wanna pay taxes to the black kids for their school"... And I'm to be convinced that this man has changed at all?
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i just dont see the problem with obama's policies. essentially, what he wants to do is re-enter clinton's economy, which was GOOD FOR EVERYBODY, not just the rich, the privileged, the hooked up.

the american dream is dead. it's not how hard you work, it's who you know these days. mccain can spout on about "we create wealth". yeah, jackass, it takes money to make money. easy for the guy with 8 houses to say. funny how its the wealthy old crones that keep bitching. you dont here the middle class (in general) bitching.

i dont care what obama said 7 years ago. in a way i hope mccain wins so this country(and world) can spiral into economic failure, and i can simply say "i told you so." but hey, mccain will still have at least 3 houses most likely, with that im-better-than-you smirk on his face. i dont need to say anything about that batshit vp hes got who will bring the womens movement back to the stone age.

but im tired of this. bring on nov 4 and let chaos ensue. i will be sitting back with a cold one laughing my ass off and apologizing to my daughter for raising her in a country full of dumbshits.
You think McCain will drive us into economic failure? I'm hoping Obama wins just for the same. Even Joe Biden knows that the world powers are going to fuck with us psychologically and financially in at least the first 6 months that the man is in office.

But seriously, you know what happens when you start taxing the rich more? They start moving over to countries whom aren't going to fuck them over to conduct their business. Where they can keep their money, save more money, and entertain themselves with child labor. Shit, the tax breaks the rich and big business have now are the only reason that the rest of them haven't moved all their call centers to Zimbabwe to be managed by one of Obama's many half siblings. If we drive the rich out, we'll only fall into a massive downward spiral. Everyone whines and bitches about the amount of tax breaks these guys get, but the fact is that they STILL pay more than we pay in years every year. Without this "top 1%", as obama calls them, this country would lose so much tax money... Socialism (I'm fucking sick of calling it "Obama's plan for the redistribution of wealth") WILL NOT work in this country. The country is too large population wise and is too dependent on the rich at this point to keep providing us with the jobs we do have.

And god damn will Obama's administration need the money, considering the entire campaign, 10 days before the election, has still yet to name a god damn program they will cut. They insist they will "scalpel" it. And even while failing to do the prior, have still been naming off more and more programs to be spent more on and added.

This country, and parts of the world, are going to hit a real financial downturn in the case that this man gets into office.

BTW, the clinton tax plans were extremely generous to the rich, often giving the top 20% more cuts than the bottom 80% combined. Also, Bush's tax plan has saved us money as compared to Clinton's plan:

i lost my first job out of college in 2004 to a sand my pals, which was during bush's (who encouraged outsourcing) term. the rich, the corporations will always find a way to get cheap labor no matter who is in charge. we need to discourage it, not the other way around.

i still fail to see how mccain will get us on the right track considering he'll just keep the economy the way it's going, plus have me pay for some other dude's mortgage, but whatever. bush=mccain, plain and simple.

again, bring the meltdown.
In some ways I can hear you on the troubles of outsourcing in a general sense. I lost my first job to some Asians. Company decided it cheaper to make everything in asia and ship it out to the US as opposed to shipping the materials here and making it here. Can't blame them, prices of fuel were starting to rise, shipping costs to our plant and then from our plant, adding in operational costs, and the workers demanding more money. Holy fuck would they have went bankrupt quickly! Lucky for me, I was only 15-16 and had learned the skills in that plant that I needed to end up rising at another plant from slave to king of the mexicans, and then to end up working for the city as king of the mexicans, and then to another plant as once again, king of the mexicans. Actually, it was a lot of luck and pure coincidence, but I'd rather gloat! Granted, even starting that job was a bad choice, considering I had left High School for the time being during it and didn't really bother to go complete that until earlier this year. Thank fuck for building up credits early, or that would have been one hell of a time. :lol:

Anyway, How do we discourage outsourcing and encourage job return without reducing the tax and spending burden on the large corporations? "Hey, come back!" isn't going to work. They need to incentive to do this. Right now they pay dirt cheap for their labor, something we can't offer. They pay very little taxes, and can work the shit out of their employees and rely on outdated shitty equipment due to the lack of laws regulating this in the countries they're flocking to. Another thing we just can't offer. It's my feeling that Obama's plans on taxes and large corporations are going to drive those that remain, or possibly selling of themselves, to foreign areas. Look at how our car market is doing, we hurt that anymore and next thing you know Ford is now a Mitsubishi manufacturer and GM makes Honda's. Great, more japanese cars. McCain's plans I don't feel will draw back any of the companies that have left, but by giving relief, in terms of tax and other reliefs, to those planning to leave and still here, will help keep them here and hopefully help secure our jobs. In my experience of late, it's all about the money too... here's a typical conversation:

"This broke"
"What do we need to do to replace it?"
"Umm... "
"Just tell me how much it'll cost"
"About this much"
"Whats cheaper?"
"Umm... you could do this for about 12 cents cheaper, but it's relatively unsafe"
"I like it, do it. Hide the exposed wires behind something so OSHA doesn't bitch"

It's all about money.

I worry about working in the plastics/construction production industry... if just a few of the business's associated with our materials were to leave, i'd be fucked. If nobody has the money to construct anything, there won't be a need for construction supplies. Right now, business is fine, but I'll be damned if I'm not worried about what I'm going to do in the future considering this is all I can make money in (at the moment).

I just don't see how Bush=McCain. Parts of the economy, yes, they have similarities. But is it wrong to feel that Bush isn't the problem with the economy, but the last 4 years of congress are to blame? Surely the indecisive tendencies and lack of action of congress has put us in a much worse place than should have.

But outside of those portions of the economy, we have what similar? Normal Republican stand-points? You're going to get that from any president of any party. Democrats have theirs, and Republicans have theres. Both have aspects agreeable, both have aspects that are just fucking wrong.
GOD FUCKING DAMMIT. If there's one Bush thing I really fucking hate, it's the change of DST. This is the second late october in a row that I've stayed up an hour later than I thought I was staying up because my computer shifted back automatically on this day. FUCK!

This wasn't helped much by the fact that UM (as well as every other forum I browse) also fucking shifted back. Stupidest fucking idea ever. I'm voting for whomever fixes fucking DST.
Even Joe Biden knows that the world powers are going to fuck with us psychologically and financially in at least the first 6 months that the man is in office.
Dude... do you really believe the world is waiting on George W. Bush to leave the White House so they can "start fucking with us"? Really? We're going from eight years of a President who takes the little bus to the White House to a man who was President of the Harvard Law Review. And that's when they're going to fuck with us? Please. We've never been more important to the world. Why do you think our currency is going up? Because everyone believes (knowing full well Obama will be President) that we're the safest bet during this coming worldwide economic crisis.

As for the whole socialism tag, it's just silly. Whenever a government taxes its citizenry and uses that tax money to the benefit of other citizens, it's redistributing wealth. For years and years, we've had a progressive tax system. By definition, a progressive tax system is the redistribution of wealth. Furthermore, what do you think has been happening under Bush, as we've created more millionaires as the middle class has shrunk? Has that not been the redistribution of wealth? Isn't the whole Republican philosophy of trickle-down economics based on the redistribution of wealth to the top, hoping it will flow back down?

And if you don't make over $250K, what are you worried about? Wealth will be distributed in your direction, not away from you.

Seriously... that's the genius of the Republican party; getting poor and middle class people to vote against their own self interests.

This is hardly a surprise. I forget who in Al Queda said it, and I don't recall the exact quote, but essentially what they said was, "We can't take America down. However, we can push America to take itself down." To that end, a continuation of the "War on Terror" as a military operation, rather than a law enforecemnet operation, is exactly what they'd like to see. It's for that reason, I fully expect Osama bin Laden to release a video tape endorsing Obama (as he did Kerry in 2004), not McCain. Since Al Queda is well aware that an endorsement for Obama, from bin Laden, would inspire Americans to vote for McCain, which plays into their hands for the reason I noted. I think an endorsement from terrorist group, for either Dems or Reps, should be ignored. They obviously have alternative motivations.
