Who you leaning towards in 2008 Presidential Election?

Rock the Vote (With your cack out)

  • Rudy "I love faggoths" Giuliani

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That midget liberal who looks like an old Guardian of Darkness

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I love Zod.

Anyone voting for McCain who doesn't make at least $250,000 a year is a fucking moron.

Sarah Palin is a cunt.

Obama is still going to lose because he's black.

We're doomed whoever wins, but so is the rest of the world so it actually won't seem all that bad.

The last 8 years were a nightmare on so many levels, so even if Old Man Bombs wins I'll breath a small sigh of relief, until he croaks and The Gaping Wound takes over to make things worse.
Always Subtract 7 Percent


Which brings us to the interesting question of whether Barack Obama can be elected president of the United States. Andrew Hacker wrote an extremely good piece in the New York Review of Books (to be found at nybooks.com/articles/21771) considering this very matter: Can a black man, or a man perceived as black, win enough votes to become president. Never mind the polls; never mind the "post-racial" world that some people seem to think we're living in. Can 50 percent plus 1 of the people who go to the polls this November pull the handle or scratch the space or touch the screen for Obama?

Hacker mentions the Bradley effect, which we are familiar enough with here in California. The polls said former Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley, a black man, would be the next governor of this state. As you may have noticed, it didn't happen. People lie to pollsters. Postulated reason: People lie to pollsters because they don't want to be perceived as racist.

There are other examples. David Dinkins, a black man, was projected to win as mayor of New York by 18 points; he won by 2. Douglas Wilder, a black man, was projected to win the governorship of Virginia by 9 points; he won by less than one half of 1 percent.

Clearly something is going on and, given the history of this country, it's not hard to guess what it is. (One of the points of Annette Gordon-Reed's much praised new biography, "The Hemingses of Monticello: An American Family," is how Thomas Jefferson's romantic and lengthy relationship with his slave Sally Hemings, hardly a secret at the time, was nevertheless denied by historians for almost 200 years until DNA evidence made the cover-up untenable. We are ashamed by racial issues, particularly sexual racial issues, long after all the parties are deceased.)

Hacker suggests that there should be a sign in every Obama office reading, "Always Subtract Seven Points." If the polls show your man ahead by 6, he's really behind by 1. My favorite polling site, fivethirtyeight.com, currently shows Obama ahead by a few percentage points, factoring in the minority candidates. So really, he's losing.

Except, of course, we do not elect a president by popular vote the way we elect a California governor or a New York mayor. At the moment, says 538, Obama is ahead in the electoral vote 312 to 226. How does the Bradley Effect work on those calculations? I dunno. Keep chopping wood.

This just in: Barack Obama is an African American, or is perceived as an African American, by nearly everybody. That's probably going to make a difference

I still hope he wins (even though I have no plan on voting for him because choosing the lesser evil is not enough for me), but I agree with this logic. People are pretty god damn racist, and I think at the end of the day that is what will count in the voting booth, even from a lot of alleged Oblammer supporters.
There was an AP-Yahoo survey a month or two ago about that. The survey basically concluded that Obama will lose 6% of the national vote that he would have gotten due solely to the fact that he's "black". It also mentioned how I think only 65% or so of Clinton's supporters support Obama, and that almost 20% of them support McCain.
I've heard everything from Obama will lose 10% of his pledged support on election day, to his color actually giving him a net gain, to it being a perfect wash. While anything is possible, I'd be extremely surprised if Obama lost this election, absent of some tremendous game changer between now and election day.

Seriously... that's the genius of the Republican party; getting poor and middle class people to vote against their own self interests.


Ain't that the truth. You'd think all those people that show up to McCain's rallies would be folks that make 250 G or more a year, but they appear to be regular ol' middle class folks who will benefit more from Obama's plans. I sit .. stunned .. trying to figure out what is in it for them, and why they are there. Why do they want four more years of failed policies?

I got this voting thing done with already ... took advantage of the early voting opportunity in my state, and placed my vote for Obama.

Only two things can keep him from winning this election .. a bullet, or another voter supressed election. I don't think it's going to matter this time ... Obama wins in an electoral college thrashing.

Ain't that the truth. You'd think all those people that show up to McCain's rallies would be folks that make 250 G or more a year, but they appear to be regular ol' middle class folks who will benefit more from Obama's plans. I sit .. stunned .. trying to figure out what is in it for them, and why they are there. Why do they want four more years of failed policies?
Agreed. 95% of the folks at McCain's rallies fit into one of four groups:

1 - Republicans who always vote Republican
2 - The Christian Right who always supports the pro-life candidate
3 - The naive... those who believe Obama is a Muslim-Socialist
4 - Racists (blatant & latent)

Only two things can keep him from winning this election .. a bullet, or another voter suppressed election. I don't think it's going to matter this time ... Obama wins in an electoral college thrashing.
I'm hoping for a November 4th Republican bloodbath that leaves the Dems with the White House, a filibuster-proof Senate and a clear mandate from the people.

This nation is doomed on so many levels if Obama doesn't win ... I don't even think McCain is prepared to the fallout that will come IF he wins the election. Especially on an international level.
This nation is doomed on so many levels if Obama doesn't win ... I don't even think McCain is prepared to the fallout that will come IF he wins the election. Especially on an international level.
You know, I wouldn't be half as worried as I am about Tuesday if McCain had chosen a more conventional V.P. However, the idea of someone like Sarah Palin a heartbeat from the Presidency is thought that continues to keep me awake at night.

why are the last few weeks of this battle focused on taxation issues??? its seems its all I hear about.
is this the main problem we face as a nation?
why are the last few weeks of this battle focused on taxation issues??? its seems its all I hear about. is this the main problem we face as a nation?
Apparently the McCain camp has decided that the best way to win this election is to paint Obama as a socialist. I'd like someone to explain what's different about Obama's tax plan and Bill Clinton's tax plan, which seemed to work quite well for this country. Aside from the fact that it worked well, I don't recall anyone painting Clinton as a socialist.

It's a real shame that McCain and his surrogates continue choose to attack Obama on being a socialist, a secret Muslim (ironically, with a whacked out Christian minister) and/or as a terrorist. It only serves to shine a spotlight on the fact that McCain has little to offer this country other than Rovian politics.

that obama broadcast was a stroke of genius. it was very well done.

mccain's already bitching about the amount of money it cost, because he simply doesnt have it
I hope the people who needed to see that did so. I fear that they didn't though. Instead they're too busy watching O'Reilly criticize the bold and transparent ad because he didn't hold a press conference, as if McCain did anything to match the utter transparency and clarity of message that Obama just delivered. Whether or not you agree with Obama's policies, you have to admit that it's pretty ballsy to lay it all out like that.