Who you leaning towards in 2008 Presidential Election?

Rock the Vote (With your cack out)

  • Rudy "I love faggoths" Giuliani

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That midget liberal who looks like an old Guardian of Darkness

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Obama has policies? :lol:

The rich man already helps the poor man enough. Without the rich man there wouldn't be the poor mans job. Without the rich man's tax payments, the poor man wouldn't have his food stamps and welfare. Shit, without the rich man paying for building places to live, the poor man would still be living in the dirt.

Of course, nobody EVER thinks of that.

Without the poor man, the rich man wouldn't have anywhere to live either, because the rich man hates ruining his manicure.
CEOs are not going to do jack fucking shit.

I believe this. It's just another, in a long line, of scare tactics. The CEO of Google praised Obama's plans, as does Warren Buffett. So the CEO trying to scare his employees into voting for McCain can eat shit.

Without the middle class, the rich man doesn't have shit.
Yeah, they totally couldn't deem operational costs too high and just close down several business's and go live on the ocean in a yacht with their money... they totally still need the middle class to live.
Fuck, I really want to see what the country would be like without that top 3% now. I need a future cube to see the hilarity.
isnt that what this thing is about?

:lol: You're such a tool if you think the rich are going to flee the country.
Seriously. It's amazing how people believe anything they read.

The Bush administration has always embraced outsourcing, claiming that while it may be painful in the short term, it will be beneficial in the long term. McCain has always embraced this Bush philosophy. In 2003 he even authored a bill allowing the Department of Defense to buy equipment from foreign companies (something that had previously not been allowed). Obama has actively opposed outsourcing and has stated he will remove tax breaks for companies that outsource. So, to state that more jobs would move overseas under a Presidency that opposes it (Obama), and less would move under a Presidency that embraces it (McCain), is beyond mindless.

The idea that the rich are going to act in a way that adversely effects the country or their own wealth is retarded.

By the way Eric, congrats on that new $250K job. :kickass:

Who says anything about revealing the source?! This video supposedly happened at a banquet, not in Obama's lavish tree top canopy over tea. It's simply mind-boggling how enamored everybody is with this man. Thinking that McCain doesn't suit your needs is one thing, being punch drunk love with a man who couldn't pass the background check for the position of a TSA security guard is another.

Holy Fucking Christ put down the Kool-Aid!
Dude, what the fuck do you think is on that videotape to begin with? I hope it fucking does get released so you shut the fuck up about it as if it would be anything of substance.
It's simply mind-boggling how enamored everybody is with this man.
It's simply mind-boggling how much hatred you have for this man.

Thinking that McCain doesn't suit your needs is one thing, being punch drunk love with a man who couldn't pass the background check for the position of a TSA security guard is another.
Pot... kettle. Kettle... pot.

When you come on here talking about him from the perspective of a 1950s Alabaman Grand Wizard, the reaction you're going to get from his supporters will be proportionate. If Obama doesn't suit your needs, that's fine. But does every one of your posts have to include a rascist slur?

It would have been great if this conversation could have taken on a more moderate tone. But expecting a moderate tone in response to over the top racism isn't realistic.

Zod, I'm pretty sure it's imperial wizard.

In the meantime, I'm heading out to vote early
I think most American's forget that the country was founded and still IS a nation of immigrants.

Being racist or nationalist while living in America never made sense to me.
This videotape in all probability contains some racy comments towards Israel and the Jewish people as a whole. L.A Times and their brand of situational integrity are going to hold on to this little nugget of leverage until post election. They would receive no short-term benefit from collapsing this man's campaign.

By the way Eric, congrats on that new $250K job. :kickass:

If you go to the prospective graph on the previous page you'll notice that neither candidate claims to be instituting taxes to those who make more than 250k a year. A vote for either candidate would not be a ballot cast against your own interests, "in theory". Now for those of us who have been paying attention, McCain has remained consistent. "No increased taxes across the board, leave the levies where they lie!"

Now the Obama camp have changed their tune 3 different times. This illusionist figure is no longer tied to personal income, but has shifted to household.

These aren't gaffes at town hall meetings where the monkey and his handler exhibit Freudian slips. No no my friends, this is their realization that if they are to enact all these hand out programs, the tax burden will need to encompass a bigger sphere than the elite.

The graph on page 40 claims a projected tax cut of 1.9-2.1% for those in the 160k-226k bracket. Let's see some consistency people!
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