Who you leaning towards in 2008 Presidential Election?

Rock the Vote (With your cack out)

  • Rudy "I love faggoths" Giuliani

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That midget liberal who looks like an old Guardian of Darkness

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
We are probably gonna be fucked either way. If Obama loses, all the black "leaders" like Shaprton, James, etc will blame it something and the uneducated blacks will follow suit and use it as an example of holdin' a brotha down. If Obama wins, there will be a mark on his head. Bigotry still runs very deep in this country. We were practically founded on it. Either way, race wars are a comin'.

edit: lmao @ lurch
Jerry... do you believe you're not a racist? Look... you and I have only hung one time (HC1). We really didn't get a chance to speak a whole lot, one on one. So by and large, my perception of you is almost entirely based on your RC posts. And they seem quite racist

Listen bro, I apologize if any of my comments offended you. In all earnestness I give every man the benefit to express their worth as a man. If you're inherently lazy, a constant complainer, and a person who expects society to wipe your ass from cradle to grave, then I deem you el negro. This label applies to bags of asses of all flesh tones. Let it be known that I'm quite chummy with a slew of Africans at my place of employment. These are true born and bred Africans who moved to this country during their adulthood. They toil harder than most in the department, and do anything that is asked of them without hesitation. The same can be said of the Filipinos. Now on the other side of the coin you have the American born Africans who go through life doing the bare minimum, constantly whine when given an assignment, run to the union rep whenever something doesn't go their way, and play the race card whenever passed over for a promotion. My friends, these are negars. Now mind you that I hold no ill will towards my immediate co-workers who fall under this label, so be it. Let them drift through life in a lethargic state with a banana chip on their shoulder. However, I will not offer them a modicum of respect, nor will I support the cause of their Messiah who plans on fulfilling their demand for reparations. You want to crawl out of the mire in which you're genetically camouflaged then reach for a vine and pull yourself out, don't expect society to throw you a golden vine. Disgusting filthy scoundrels who prey on our guilt for ancestral transgressions righted long ago. The only manner in which one can vote against their own self interest is when they vote against their own ideals. Redistribution of Wealth is flat out wrong. Let the middle class and the bottom feeding baboons beneath us earn their own keep. Stop shitting down the mouth of Capitalism.
Pure capitalism doesn't work. Pure anything doesn't work. Systems must be hybrids and be able to respond to the changing zeitgeist.
Listen bro, I apologize if any of my comments offended you.
I'm not offended. It's the internet; if you're going to let shit offend you here, you should disconnect.

In all earnestness I give every man the benefit to express their worth as a man. If you're inherently lazy, a constant complainer, and a person who expects society to wipe your ass from cradle to grave, then I deem you el negro. This label applies to bags of asses of all flesh tones. Let it be known that I'm quite chummy with a slew of Africans at my place of employment. These are true born and bred Africans who moved to this country during their adulthood. They toil harder than most in the department, and do anything that is asked of them without hesitation. The same can be said of the Filipinos.
Fair enough. However, I've found that there's little value in generalizing the work habits/laziness of an entire population.

Now on the other side of the coin you have the American born Africans who go through life doing the bare minimum, constantly whine when given an assignment, run to the union rep whenever something doesn't go their way, and play the race card whenever passed over for a promotion. My friends, these are negars. Now mind you that I hold no ill will towards my immediate co-workers who fall under this label, so be it. Let them drift through life in a lethargic state with a banana chip on their shoulder. However, I will not offer them a modicum of respect, nor will I support the cause of their Messiah who plans on fulfilling their demand for reparations. You want to crawl out of the mire in which you're genetically camouflaged then reach for a vine and pull yourself out, don't expect society to throw you a golden vine. Disgusting filthy scoundrels who prey on our guilt for ancestral transgressions righted long ago. The only manner in which one can vote against their own self interest is when they vote against their own ideals.
First, you don't see this view as racist? Second, you've referred to Obama with many of these same terms, even though by your own definitions, you wouldn't place him here.

Redistribution of Wealth is flat out wrong. Let the middle class and the bottom feeding baboons beneath us earn their own keep. Stop shitting down the mouth of Capitalism.
First, the idea of unfettered Capitalism has never been a reality anywhere and worked. Second, wealth is always redistributed. For the last six years, it's been redistributed upwards. The entire premise of supply-side or trickle-down economics is to allow wealth to build at the top, in the hopes that it will rain down on the middle class. Finally, as you noted earlier, the chart on Page 40 shows there's not a great deal of difference between the two tax plans for the majority of the population. So why is Obama a socialist and McCain a true American?

So apparently Obama's boston shack living aunt is in the US illegally:

WASHINGTON (AP) - Barack Obama's aunt, a Kenyan woman who has been quietly living in public housing in Boston, is in the United States illegally after an immigration judge rejected her request for asylum four years ago, The Associated Press has learned.

Zeituni Onyango, 56, referred to as "Aunti Zeituni" in Obama's memoir, was instructed to leave the United States by a U.S. immigration judge who denied her asylum request, a person familiar with the matter told the AP late Friday. This person spoke on condition of anonymity because no one was authorized to discuss Onyango's case.

Information about the deportation case was disclosed and confirmed by two separate sources, one of them a federal law enforcment official. The information they made available is known to officials in the federal government, but the AP could not establish whether anyone at a political level in the Bush administration or in the McCain campaign had been involved in its release.

Onyango's refusal to leave the country would represent an administrative, non-criminal violation of U.S. immigration law, meaning such cases are handled outside the criminal court system. Estimates vary, but many experts believe there are more than 10 million such immigrants in the United States.

The AP could not reach Onyango immediately for comment. No one answered the telephone number listed in her name late Friday. It was unclear why her request for asylum was rejected in 2004.

Onyango is not a relative whom Obama has discussed in campaign appearances and, unlike Obama's father and grandmother, is not someone who has been part of the public discussion about his personal life.

A spokeswoman for U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement, Kelly Nantel, said the government does not comment on an individual's citizenship status or immigration case.

Onyango's case—coming to light just days before the presidential election—led to an unusual nationwide directive within Immigrations and Customs Enforcement requiring any deportations prior to Tuesday's election to be approved at least at the level of ICE regional directors, the U.S. law enforcement official told the AP.

The unusual directive suggests that the Bush administration is sensitive to the political implications of Onyango's case coming to light so close to the election.

Kenya is in eastern Africa between Somalia and Tanzania. The country has been fractured in violence in recent years, including a period of two months of bloodshed after December 2007 that killed 1,500 people.

The disclosure about Onyango came just one day after Obama's presidential campaign confirmed to the Times of London that Onyango, who has lived quietly in public housing in South Boston for five years, was Obama's half aunt on his father's side.

It was not immediately clear how Onyango might have qualified for public housing with a standing deportation order.


AP writer Elliott Spagat reported from New York.
Oh come on... Democrats sent spies after Joe The Plumber, one AP news report showing us that Obama's aunt (whom BTW, said she was going to vote) is an illegal and it's "this is completely irrelevant".

Face it, you're supporting a scumbag who can't decide what he's going to do as president despite it being handed to him quite soon (down to 120,000 now, BTW, according to Bill Richardson), with a family and friends set that, if it weren't an election, would be considered the punch line of a joke.
I'm sure you'll be affected after nov. 4th when Obama (as he himself has admitted) will come down to earth with everyone and explain the "CHANGES" he can't make due to the current economy woes.

either that, or stick with mccain in which nothing will change because of a dem controlled congress. at least for two years, in which mccain will blame everyone but himself
regarding the aunt, lets see if mccain sticks with his "the family is off limits" or if he goes back on his word. my guess is he'll allude to it without actually saying it. he's desperate.
regarding the aunt, lets see if mccain sticks with his "the family is off limits" or if he goes back on his word. my guess is he'll allude to it without actually saying it. he's desperate.

I wouldn't say he is as desperate as he was a week ago, according to one day polling where he is either taking the lead or creeping within the margin of error. However, margin of error isn't good enough I do think he will use it "head-on" style: