Who you leaning towards in 2008 Presidential Election?

Rock the Vote (With your cack out)

  • Rudy "I love faggoths" Giuliani

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That midget liberal who looks like an old Guardian of Darkness

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The Obama campaign is forthright with their inability to enact all of their policies as they want to. I'll take that over McCain lying and saying that he'll be able to do everything he said he would do, when every non-partisan organization that has examined both platforms make it abundantly obvious that both of them will fall short of their goals while at the same time increasing the national debt. But yeah, fuck honesty, right? Let's just vote for the guy who lies to us about what he'll be able to do more consistently than the other.
The Obama campaign is forthright with their inability to enact all of their policies as they want to.

They need to be forthright with their inability to run the executive branch. I'll tip my hat off to this Kenyan bastard child, he's one hell of a campaigner. Unfortunately, the national debt doesn't accept HOPE as a viable form of payment. Hopefully for your sake and mine, we see an upset of Truman/Dewey proportions come next Tuesday.
This videotape in all probability contains some racy comments towards Israel and the Jewish people as a whole. L.A Times and their brand of situational integrity are going to hold on to this little nugget of leverage until post election. They would receive no short-term benefit from collapsing this man's campaign.
I don't disagree. However, just because they may benefit from not releasing it, in some indirect way, doesn't negate the fact that as journalists they should protect their sources. And if they obtained the video tape under the condition that they not release it, (politics aside) they shouldn't release it.

A vote for either candidate would not be a ballot cast against your own interests, "in theory".
Yet Obama is a socialist?

My comment to Eric was a joke, using the common vernacular of the campaigns. Taxes are actually not an issue of concern for me. The wife and I do OK. If we have to pay more taxes, we're fine with that. The point I was making was, I get why you're voting McCain; Arghoslent endorsed him. Eric's reasoning has been confusing.

Hopefully for your sake and mine, we see an upset of Truman/Dewey proportions come next Tuesday.
The shame of it is, if Obama loses this election (given his current position in the polls), it will be because of the "Bradley Effect". I'd be fine with the Dems losing this election if it's because more people believe McCain is the better choice. However, if it's because we can't get past the color of a person's skin, that's just sad.

i can't wait for this damn election to be fucking over already

although i have a sinking feeling it might not be immediately clear who the winner is due to the kind of litigation/recounting/martial law that seems to be taking precedent in american presidential elections
Yes... revealing your source is the height of journalistic integrity.

The story is over six months old, and was basically debunked as being a whole lot of nothing last night on CNN, just as it was when it first appeared in the times. Counter claims from the Dems that McCain sat on a board that gave money to a group run by Khalidi was also written off as much ado about nothing.

At this late stage in the campaign the Republicans are basically throwing any shit they can at the wall .. hoping that it sticks.

Hopefully the American people will be able to distinguish between the candidate who actually has a positive message, and actual plans for American, and the other guy who simply continues to tear down the other one, while really offering no distinguishable difference between himself and the Bush era.

Greg, I really don't know what you take me for. Do you honestly believe I'm a bigot? Do note that I'm being facetious whenever I use racial epithets when referring to Barack Hussein Obama. The man may be a criminal, but in no way is he a bonafide negar. He's whiter than the undercarriage of my nut sack.

My friends, it disturbs me to see African-Americans doing the three knuckle swoon* to every weightless comment that pierces outwardly from his messianic gnat trap. I ask, what does a Caucasian mix who graduated from Harvard have in common with the local 9-5 7-11 loitering coon who has his hand out begging for reparations?! Granted, they'll be the ones who most benefit from his plan. But seeing that they're absolutely oblivious to his agenda and can not name one bulletin point from the Donkey Kong Doctrine, may it be stated that their vote is solely based on the fact that he was 1 of 45 children absentee fathered by a Kenyan spearchucker. Greg, when you point the finger of race in my direction, you need look no further than the illiterate vassal of resent to your right. Their minds were made up from the start. "That der be a black man, ore time be now Hallelujahaha!

Slavery has been struck dead for close to 150 years!! Stop putting your hopes for success on a Palestinian Prophet who is going to bring this entire nation in to economic turmoil. Negar, negar, oh little negars, you'll have NO leeway left to bitch when the rich and the middle class are standing next to you in line at the local soup kitchen. When the Great Depression Part Deux knocks on your apartment door, it will not be Doomcifer looking to collect your 72 inch plasma TV. No, it will be the hand of your local mail carrier, handing you a notice that the Well of Welfare has been tapped dry. There's nobody left to leech off of, all the factories have been moved abroad, and your get out of work free card now holds about as much weight as that pot in which you use to piss in.

Hallejujajah ahahah let der be Rain!!!
Greg, I really don't know what you take me for. Do you honestly believe I'm a bigot?
Jerry... do you believe you're not a racist? Look... you and I have only hung one time (HC1). We really didn't get a chance to speak a whole lot, one on one. So by and large, my perception of you is almost entirely based on your RC posts. And they seem quite racist?

Do note that I'm being facetious whenever I use racial epithets when referring to Barack Hussein Obama.
I'm not sure that never missing an opportunity to offer up a racial slur qualifies as being "facetious". That said, I can't speak for your motivations or intent.

The man may be a criminal...
What exactly makes him a criminal?

Greg, when you point the finger of race in my direction, you need look no further than the illiterate vassal of resent to your right. Their minds were made up from the start.
I wouldn't view a woman voting for Hillary, because she's a woman, as sexist. However, I would view a man voting against Hillary, because she's a woman, as sexist. In similar fashion, I don't equate black people voting for Obama because he's black, with white people voting against him because he's black. More...

While I have no doubt that there are a great number of black people who are thrilled by the idea of voting for a black President, I don't view this as being racist. Given the history of black people in this country, is anyone surprised that they'd be overwhelmed with pride at the idea of finally seeing a black man ascend to the White House? Second, do you honestly believe both the left and the right don't have an equivalent number of illiterate people? Finally, blacks are the most predictable voting block. Clinton carried 83% of the black vote. Obama will carry a small percentage more.


Rosario Dawson? She looked great in Clerks II and Death Proof.


If Barack Obama fails to win the election, perhaps the networks should hire him to entertain viewers on Wednesday nights.

On average, Obama's 30-minute primetime infomercial managed to outperform the usual broadcast programming in the 8 p.m. time period.

The Obama special was seen by 26.3 million viewers across broadcasters CBS, NBC and Fox, according to preliminary Nielsen ratings. If you add Spanish-language broadcaster Univision, that total climbs to 29.9 million.

Now the tricky question is: What do you compare Obama's ad to? After all, such a national pre-election special hasn’t been attempted in 16 years.

The entertainment programming that usually runs in the slot on those three networks has averaged a cumulative 23.1 million viewers each week since the start of the season -- 12% lower than the Obama ad total. Put another way, the time period averages about 7.7 million viewers and a 2.4 adults 18-49 rating per network. In the preliminary ratings, the ad pulled an average of 9.2 million viewers and a 2.7 average rating per network -- boosting the advertiser-friendly adult demo by 13%.

It would be interesting to know what percentage of this 29M was undecided voters.

Finally, blacks are the most predictable voting block. Clinton carried 83% of the black vote. Obama will carry a small percentage more.

last night on CNN, Obama and Clinton came out in Kissimmee for a rally. On their way out to the podium they were both shaking hands with the enthusiastic crowd, which included a large # of black people ... I swear, and I pointed this out to my wife at the time also, that the Black people were more enamored with Clinton and reaching out for his handshake and photo op, than Obama.

I will say it again, Obama is not the messiah for the black people, the losers in the bunch will be forever out of excuses of using the color of their skin for not getting the opportunites that others are.