Who you leaning towards in 2008 Presidential Election?

Rock the Vote (With your cack out)

  • Rudy "I love faggoths" Giuliani

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That midget liberal who looks like an old Guardian of Darkness

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Yeah, that's totally convincing proof that somebody is an idiot, by having a slip-of-the-tongue-moment providing an inaccurate statistic while being questioned in front of a podium. You really seem to love judging people's intelligence based on whether or not they slipped while speaking in public.
Yeah, that's totally convincing proof that somebody is an idiot, by having a slip-of-the-tongue-moment providing an inaccurate statistic while being questioned in front of a podium. You really seem to love judging people's intelligence based on whether or not they slipped while speaking in public.

Inaccurate statistic? It's an impossible statistic. Where she got the number from is beyond both the left and the right, and the fact that she didn't even try to correct herself at any point after is mind-blowing. Even Sarah fucking Palin would go "HAHA, SHE'S DUMB BECAUSE THERES NOT THAT MANY PEOPLE HERE! I GET IT!" That cackling whore must have been thinking the question was "What will your net-worth be next month, queen Pelosi?"

It's one more notch farther into the fact that these people who are heavy proponents of the bailout, don't even understand their own fucking plan! Even if they pass the thing, everyone is in agreement that the plan won't have any even noticeable effects until "at least" 2010. Even then, fuck knows if it's going to have ANY effect, due to the proportionate amount of horseshit that is being added to this bill, at the sacrifice of items that are actually needed. And even with the sacrifices, the fucking cost GROWS. It grows and grows and grows, and we're at nearly 1 trillion dollars here. 1 trillion dollars is a pretty big price tag for something with the level of uncertainty that this bill is plagued with.

The bill needs to be re-written completely. Without ANY input from fucking lobbyists, and other various 3rd party groups. The bill needs to be written in the manner that it will help and effect the lives of the American people, not just those who were fortunate enough to have a lobbyist in congress. How fast it gets passed is really not going to change anything, democrats admit that we'll see nothing from this bill till 2010, so what's another few weeks of getting this bill correct so that we see the results we need, instead of a bunch of maybes? At least if it's corrected, the 1 trillion dollars may not go to waste.

TL;DR: Pelosi is a cackling whore, and her cronies can choke on a cock.
Inaccurate statistic? It's an impossible statistic. Where she got the number from is beyond both the left and the right, and the fact that she didn't even try to correct herself at any point after is mind-blowing. Even Sarah fucking Palin would go "HAHA, SHE'S DUMB BECAUSE THERES NOT THAT MANY PEOPLE HERE! I GET IT!" That cackling whore must have been thinking the question was "What will your net-worth be next month, queen Pelosi?"

You're completely missing the fucking point. She obviously did not mean to say 500,000,000 and probably didn't even realize that she misspoke. If you really think she thinks there's that many people in the country, that says an awful lot about your conservative bias.
No dude, Nancy Pelosi genuinely thinks there are at least 500 million people in the US and Obama genuinely thinks there are 57 states. But when someone is genuinely dumb, that means they're just not a Washington insider, and in fact they're brilliant and they know more about energy than probably anyone else in the country.
You're completely missing the fucking point. She obviously did not mean to say 500,000,000 and probably didn't even realize that she misspoke. If you really think she thinks there's that many people in the country, that says an awful lot about your conservative bias.

Well, the lady also thinks funding contraception and birth control reasearch (which, while I agree with) is going to be one of the big players in stimulating our stale economy, obviously the lady is STILL off her rocker. Bitch needs to retire, sit at home with her 20000000 grand children (her estimate, not mine), and explain to them why her tenure in the house has essentially fucked their future.

On the other hand, I've been warming up to Obama lately. He's been trying. It's the fucking wretched whores like Pelosi that cling onto him that are keeping me from swallowing.
So how long before the entire nation is bankrupt?

76B more to kill filthy dunecoons
750B more to rescue banks
640B for health care
1m for watermelon seeds
1m in fried chicken vouchers

Keep preaching about fiscal responsibility you coon!
Something tells me that RiA goes to sleep hugging a pillow every night, pining for love and/or the apocalypse
Well, you can understand his frustration surely. Endless billions of dollars that comes from where? Oh, wait, we're just going to print it up? Ok. And what's that? Oh, my children will pay for it? After their grandparents have finished off what was left of social security? Sounds good! How about the trade deficit? Just throw it all on the same tab? Gotcha.

Granted, I don't have any other solution either. Yes, hindsight's 20/20 but we wouldn't be in this mess if someone, I don't know, maybe the President of the United States and his administration for the past eight years, hadnt been asleep at the wheel.

Sadly, funneling fake money into the economy is the only way to save it. And apparently, our children should just be prepared to be fucked.

Edit: scratch that. Not everyone's children. Only those who choose to succeed in life will. The slackers will just go on doing what they've always done and live off others.
but i just thought about something ... no sure about you guys, but I paid for my own school and while my parents helped it wasn't given to me.
was anyone so privileged here as a kid that it will surprise you if your kids won't have anything for you to give them?
what do I know ...
I don't understand the question.
Anyway, I had to get loans for school. Still paying them off. I grew up relatively poor and by that I mean if my Dad didn't get overtime at his job, we were struggling. That was a constant source of fear for me growing up...my Mom saying, "oh, let's hope your Dad doesn't get his hours cut". As an adult, I have grievances against my parents for a multitude of things and that's one of them.
But "poor" is a relative term. I thought I was poor until my wife revealed that they lived in Section 8 housing for many years. They were what she describes as "church poor". If you've ever heard the term, you know what I mean.
Anyway, my goal as an adult is to give my children everything I never had and I don't mean a goddam video game console but EXPERIENCE and EDUCATION and ENCOURAGEMENT. I want their childhoods to be NOTHING like mine was.
<---- student loans here "my friends."

Luckily I will be dead within five years or so, so SOMEONE ELSE is going to be paying for this bullshit...

What's worse: people who get loans to pay for higher education or people who have five kids and can't send ANY of them to college? WEAR A RUBBER, PEOPLE!

Also, while I'm at it, to all you anti-abortion fucks: I hope you have a blueprint for oxygenated geodesic domes on Mars, cuz I sure don't, and neither does Buckminster Fuller (god eat his soul). Overpopulation's a bitch...
Dick, let me guess, liberal arts major?! :erk:

Go take an Econ class you snotty little shit.


"You never went to college..."