Who you leaning towards in 2008 Presidential Election?

Rock the Vote (With your cack out)

  • Rudy "I love faggoths" Giuliani

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That midget liberal who looks like an old Guardian of Darkness

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Sorry, Sirloin I decided to join the work force out of high school. Have you ever worked a fucking God damn day in your life you bitch tittied faggot? Ohhh Mommy, Daddy, can you send $500, I need to buy new coduroys for the forthcoming semester. Silly snot nosed twit, what are your career goals?!? I want to know what our tax monies are being allocated for. If it really is liberals arts, haha, going to school for 8 years to make 35k. Put down the books and pick up a mop, you'd be less of a burden on society.
Sorry, Sirloin I decided to join the work force out of high school. Have you ever worked a fucking God damn day in your life you bitch tittied faggot? Ohhh Mommy, Daddy, can you send $500, I need to buy new coduroys for the forthcoming semester. Silly snot nosed twit, what are your career goals?!? I want to know what our tax monies are being allocated for. If it really is liberals arts, haha, going to school for 8 years to make 35k. Put down the books and pick up a mop, you'd be less of a burden on society.

How are things in the furniture plant / auto part / security guard / fudge packing industry these days?

And if I ever needed to ask my parents for money (which I don't), I'd ask for a lot more than $500.00 BELIEVE YOU ME

I've never heard of "liberal arts" as a major.... Seriously. Did you make that up?

EDIT: I like it how you capitalized "God" in your post
Answer my question twerp, HAVE YOU EVER WORKED A DAY IN YOUR LIFE?!!?

I'm 23 and have held five jobs in my life. I work now, and am also working towards my master's degree. Ergo: you can eat a big fat DICK SIRLOIN

I'm glad you're as bored as I am at the moment. Bar time = 10pm

You have 19 minutes to make a smarmy repartee.
Final smarmy reply of the evening as I'm running horrendously late for my janitor gig.


:lol: :lol: :lol:

All humor aside... have you ever thought about, I dunno, RELAXING once in a while or something? You're just bristling with constant negativity. The world ain't all bad, no matter how many liberals/blacks/hippies are running it. No reason to go around hating shit all the time. People will care just as much when you're sixty as they do now.


All humor aside... have you ever thought about, I dunno, RELAXING once in a while or something? You're just bristling with constant negativity. The world ain't all bad, no matter how many liberals/blacks/hippies are running it. No reason to go around hating shit all the time. People will care just as much when you're sixty as they do now.


I tried removing the negativity from my being http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/7786795-post73.html, but alas, it wasn't meant to be my good man. Dismissing political differences, and to clear the air between us in this matter. I applaud your scholastic endeavors and truly wish you success. Secondly, you need to drop the condescension my bleeding heart, it's not very appealing. A doctor's plight is no greater than a janitor's once they both punch out at the end of the day. Count your blessings, thank mommy and daddy for providing you with stability, and take in your good fortune with humility. Unfortunately some people don't have the option to dive right in to University, and need to do the 9-5 grind in order to eat. But yes, a good education is essential, if for anything than to exercise your brain. I've been taken some courses on the side for awhile now.

In closing kind sir, as I do not wrench the cardboard anti-war propaganda from your clutches, I ask you not to wrench the burning noose from mine.

Good day.
I don't understand the question.
Anyway, I had to get loans for school. Still paying them off. I grew up relatively poor and by that I mean if my Dad didn't get overtime at his job, we were struggling. That was a constant source of fear for me growing up...my Mom saying, "oh, let's hope your Dad doesn't get his hours cut". As an adult, I have grievances against my parents for a multitude of things and that's one of them.
But "poor" is a relative term. I thought I was poor until my wife revealed that they lived in Section 8 housing for many years. They were what she describes as "church poor". If you've ever heard the term, you know what I mean.
Anyway, my goal as an adult is to give my children everything I never had and I don't mean a goddam video game console but EXPERIENCE and EDUCATION and ENCOURAGEMENT. I want their childhoods to be NOTHING like mine was.

I understand what you are saying. My question was more along the lines of why they keep constantly pointing out that "our children will pay for this" or "you won't have money to send them to school and afford a proper education" ... I mean, besides the environment getting fucked I see the other things as educational to a kid in some sense. Even if I had a shitload of money, I'd probably make my kid find out for his/herself a way to cover their own ass in college/life. I would help of course but there will be no free ride.

They are playing on the fear factor as usual. There are ALWAYS opportunities in the US regardless of the state of the economy, that's what the US was built on when there was nothing and I expect the citizens/business people to get us out f this mess, not the government.
@ Lurch: Agreed! I have no plans to pay for the childrens' college. Not that I could afford it anyway. I would just like to send them to private school up unto that point because the public schools here are "terrible". If we can't afford it, then so be it.
I do believe though, that today's bailout will burden my children to an unbelievable degree - IN THEORY. In reality, their generation will do what everyone else's generation has done and figure out a way to shift it onto someone else
I am sure most of you have seen this already, but worth another look at the endless debt cycle (complete with cool subtitles)
Obama came to my base yesterday.

Highlight: Since the Corps is highly segregated, ie: the infantry is all white for the most part (2 black people in my entire Company), the admin/supply/food/etc. jobs are...colorful, they had everyone 'integrate' units in the auditorium, haha.
that's fucking lame ... that's the same shit like when Ceausescu used to come to my home town and they stocked the shelves of all the supermarkets (and locked the doors) to play into his delusion
I can't say that is the exact reason for it, but it was the first time I had ever heard of such a thing. It would have been blatantly segregated had they not done it though, which would have looked bad on TV, hah. 'They send all the minorities over to fight their wars!' ...no...they get free vocational-education and benefits without actually risking their own ass on the battlefield.
Obama came to my base yesterday.

Highlight: Since the Corps is highly segregated, ie: the infantry is all white for the most part (2 black people in my entire Company), the admin/supply/food/etc. jobs are...colorful, they had everyone 'integrate' units in the auditorium, haha.

You must be at the same base as my friends brother, because Obama visited him as well.