Who you leaning towards in 2008 Presidential Election?

Rock the Vote (With your cack out)

  • Rudy "I love faggoths" Giuliani

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That midget liberal who looks like an old Guardian of Darkness

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
My fiance and I will be pretending to be Canadian and Chinese respectively when we go to Korea in March. Long live the Queen! Or whatever Canadians say....

When did you get engaged mate?!?! You deprived us of dedicating a thread in your name. She isn't a wop is she?!? :goggly:

Fiancee = The bride to be
Fiance = The groom to be

Back on topic: Mexico is the biggest shithole on Terra Firma. I should know, I live there. Though, it gets much worse as you head south to Mejico proper. I'm lucky I didn't get stabbed during my rendezvous in Rosarito several years back. Waving your credit card in the air whilst saying "where da fuck da pussy at?" is sure to get you a glance or two from nefarious mafioso types.
i am really beginning to think the entire "green" movement is as shady as anything labeled "kosher" :loco:
At least he admits when he screws up, instead of sticking to his guns for eight fucking years when everyone knows he's wrong because he's too stubborn to look imperfect that he sacrifices doing the right thing for not admitting that he was wrong. I don't care if the president makes a mistake as long as he recognizes it, admits it, and works to correct it. That's what a president is supposed to do.
I'm referring to Timothy Geithner, who knowingly dismissed his obligation to pay self-employment taxes until called on it. If Obama really stands by his word of "setting the highest standard for his cabinet", he'd throw this debt beat out on his ear.
Daschle isnt the tax cheat that is gonna be Treasury Secretary and enforce the tax laws, that was the other tax cheat Geithner. his nomination went through. Daschle was health and human services.

edit: wut jerry sez
The fact is that Geithner wasn't paying the medicare and social security taxes for a number of years, and had an illegal housekeeper, and when it was discovered in vetting, he was told to just say "OH, IT WAS AN ACCIDENT, I DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT IT", since they knew the reaction by 55% would be "Oh, thats ok! If Obama thinks he's good, then it's no problem." instead of the logical reaction of "why the fuck is someone who can't even keep their own taxes, and housekeeper, straight going to have a hand in our treasury?"

There is no spin to this in either direction.

Luckily Daschle is no longer and play due to his tax problems, and "Chief Performance Officer" (what the fuck kinda name for a position that deals with budgeting is that?!) Nancy Killefer has withdrawn over about a 1000 bucks of owed taxes. It would be embarassing for those people to have the jobs they were going to have, even if in Killefer's case it was just a grand (as compared to Geithner's 30,000+ and Daschles completely unmeasurable number).
Meh, have to agree with my fellow atheists on this one. So Obama picked the wrong people... at least he said, "my bad" instead of "I'm the decider!"
It's funny how at every new administration, the mind of the nation is completely wiped clean. Every single president throughout history has had stumbles amidst their cabinet selections. Expecting Obama to be flawless and holding to an unachievable standard is ridiculous. Unlike the Bush administration, Obama didn't wait 4 years until he made these people fuck off, and he didn't give them fucking promotions and medals.