Who you leaning towards in 2008 Presidential Election?

Rock the Vote (With your cack out)

  • Rudy "I love faggoths" Giuliani

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That midget liberal who looks like an old Guardian of Darkness

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
There was some earlier thread about wimps not liking Bathory! Look how good I am at typing things when I'm not on my phone. TYPE TYPE TYPE TYPIDY TYPE TYPE.



But seriously these commie fucks at CVS had a whole plethora of diet douchebagcunt Pepsi and not a single botttle of the SUPREME drink fo DIET COKE in site.
Obama I think it doing the best he can in the short period he had and NEEDS 4 more years to finish the job

IF Romney wins I can also see him trying to wipe the slate clean of whatever Obama has done and try to put his own plan into place .

But really, what has Obama done in the four he's already had? Unemployment has skyrocketed since he came in (6.8% when he came in, now at about 9%), over 46 million on food stamps (when he came in it was under 30), and this health care bullshit really does stomp young healthy males like me. I don't need health insurance...and I don't really want to take on another bill for it either. His plan does not guarantee prices will go down either. This is the only president that has directly effected my life. So he needs to back the fuck off.

You don't need health insurance? Whoever said a page or two back that Obama is Un-American, I have to say, I fucking hope so. Most Americans believe the dumbest shit. I don't want our president to be like the majority of us fat, diabetic, uneducated, slobs.
But really, what has Obama done in the four he's already had? Unemployment has skyrocketed since he came in (6.8% when he came in, now at about 9%), over 46 million on food stamps (when he came in it was under 30), and this health care bullshit really does stomp young healthy males like me. I don't need health insurance...and I don't really want to take on another bill for it either. His plan does not guarantee prices will go down either. This is the only president that has directly effected my life. So he needs to back the fuck off.


Jan '09 7.8%
Sep '12 7.8%

Is health insurance really that bad considering the additional 2 trillion dollars Romney is implementing for the military? But luckily, you haven't had any shitty luck with your health and it means nothing. But at least you're having some sort of empathy with people that have shit luck.
Same way he's going to lose California.
It was you who suggested we should listen to the people who have been governed by Romney...

Hmm, the two posters who have actually experienced Romney politics are voting for him.
So, if people "who have actually experienced Romney politics' is YOUR barometer, than it's tough to ignore that the state he governed wants nothing to do with him. And your argument that they are somehow dismissing him because they are liberals is devoid of merit... they elected him.

Most liberals are dead set in their ways, they won't even listen to rational voice.
The Conservative voice is the "rational voice"? Come on bro... which voice would that be? The conservative voice that advocated we fight two wars without paying for them? The conservative voice that believes the state should control a woman's reproductive system? The conservative voice that wants to leverage supply-side economics to continue to collect wealth among the 1%? The conservative voice that believes we should teach "intelligent design" along side evolution? The conservative voice that believes Global Warming is a hoax? The conservative voice that wants to amend the Constitution to protect the "sanctity of marriage"? The conservative voice who believes we need a military budget the size of the next ten nations combined?

The single largest defect of modern conservatism is that it has ruined the nation. Conservatives do not have ideas; they have interests. Conservatives are not "thinkers"; they are rationalizers who give an intellectual gloss to their belief that an alliance of predatory business people and religious extremists should rule the rest of us.

The wreckage caused by modern conservatism lies all around us, and speaks for itself: If conservatism isn't dead, it should be.
Maybe you could actually respond to some of this with something other than rolleyes or a picture.