Who you leaning towards in 2008 Presidential Election?

Rock the Vote (With your cack out)

  • Rudy "I love faggoths" Giuliani

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That midget liberal who looks like an old Guardian of Darkness

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Tully hits the Massachusetts political climate right on the nose and pushes the cartilage into the brain cavity, especially the closer you get to Boston and the transplanted suburban youths of Alston/Somerville/etc.

I've never been somewhere so shockingly liberal and full of worldviews straight out of a first year sociology course.

Voting is gay. Live Free or Die.
I think it's hilarious that O'bama-folks can't step back and think...
Honestly, I didn't understand a word of this rant. I'm sure there was a point in there, but it was lost in all the sarcasm.

Hmm, the two posters who have actually experienced Romney politics are voting for him.
Is that the barometer? Because Romney is going to lose Mass. by an ass load.
I'm in the same ferry. Whenever I hear a word out of Romney's mouth, I can't help to see this guy as a blowhard phoney looking out for his interests. With that being said, I actually think he has two wits to rub together, and is more equipped to handle the task at hand than some "good feeling, shed your white resentment, vote for me" nignat who wants to rim job jihadists and see the working man pay every damn cent they make so the 30 people sitting at Church's Chicken on 8th Ave in downtown Chi Town can continue eating dat biscuit without a care. Fuck liberals, tell your wimmenz to shave under their arm pits, the stench is clouding your judgment. Also, grow the fuck up, once you hit 30, you should realize than these pseudo ideals ye hold possess no merit in the real world. Comic book bullshit, fit for Dr. Seuss. I see Barack, see Barack swing.

Here monkey monkey monkey. Fuck you!

So your political stance boils down to "I'm not voting for the my pals." Nicely done.
I think it's hilarious that O'bama-folks can't step back and think "Well I suppose if a crazy redneck was yelling at me about how much O'bama wants to MAKE THA USA OF A'MURRIKA COMMUNIST DICTATORSHIP OF FASCISTS SOCIALISISMSMMSM!O11oen1!on1! etc. etc. I may say 'Hmm, perhaps I should look into this a bit more beause I don't entirely trust this fellows opinion on the matter...'" when I say that I question their fire-tongue lashing of Romney.

It's a perfect examples of Liberals often being so far up their own ass/in the middle of a circle jerk that they can't possibly ever, ever imagine their opinions may be questioned in any way, at all (I live in Massachusetts by the way, so I'm only speaking for here). People will start talking to you here just ASSUMING you are an O'bama voter, bashing on everything non-liberal, etc. and of course that make YOU the asshole when you say "well, actually I lean a bit to the left to be honest...".



If the right says things about the left they are 'stupid uneducated rednecks'.

If the left says anything about the right it's somehow taken as fact almost automatically.

Mind = explode.

So your political stance boils down to "his fans around here are assholes." Nicely done.

Have you ever been to the South? Genuine question.
Same way he's going to lose California. Most liberals are dead set in their ways, they won't even listen to rational voice. $5 a gal gas, taxes through the roof, Obama Care forcing people in the medical field out of work, a continued shit storm in the Middle East (no end in sight), horrible Foreign Affairs (we need more troops, muwahahahah sit there and die muwhahahaha), the national debt rising like the waters deep frying chicken, etcetera. This is a party who has Eva Longoria speak at their convention, atleast Clint was a fucking mayor of a city lofnl. Let's save Big Bird!!! Yeeeeeee haw hail negars! 1.6 mi given to PBS in the porkulus bill, created all of 1.4 jobs. Let's save Big Bird! Is this this coon's entire platform? Because the only goat damn thing I've heard from his watermelon soaked lips is jabs and mummer pokes attempting to discredit his opponent. He brings nothing to the table other than neener neener there's a gnat orbiting my wiener. Remember hope and change and all that good will? The experiment has failed, what has he accomplished? We're all getting too fucking old to hope he actually does his job instead of appearing on The View for the umpteenth time. Give me Bush, no seriously, I'm kind of horny right now. Damn supps!
So your political stance boils down to "his fans around here are assholes." Nicely done.

Hah, clever, but no not at all.

This was a rant about a very specific thing that gets on my nerves. That people in the area I live expect me to believe, without question, their ridiculous 'facts' about Romney while they laugh at the equally ridiculous 'facts' about Obama coming from the right side of the house.

Just a rant, not a serious debate topic or anything.

Have you ever been to the South? Genuine question.

I lived in North Carolina for four years.
I lived in North Carolina for four years.

What? When was this?

I've found that my political stance, in some ways, is very much influenced by my surroundings. When I lived in CA, I seemed to be MUCH more moderate, so I sort of get what you're saying.
What? When was this?
When I was a Marine. Camp LeJeune (Jacksonville), NC.

I've found that my political stance, in some ways, is very much influenced by my surroundings. When I lived in CA, I seemed to be MUCH more moderate, so I sort of get what you're saying.

Well that's how I know that both sides an be equally crazy, it just is so blatantly obvious that around here people can't imagine that to be the case since everything is so insular. That's all I was pointing out.

Also, since one of the HUGE topics right now is 'Women's Rights' aka: abortion, and I am adopted, I really have a tough time with that one. On top of that, my arguments make everything awkward ("Well, I'm not a woman but I am adopted and I am thankful that I was not aborted. I don't think that abortion should be illegal but I certainly don't think it should be supported." etc. etc.).

It's so damn hard for me to just say 'it's just a fetus or just a this or that' because the bottom line is: if I was sucked out of my birth Mother's womb, I would not exist. No matter what 'phase' of gestation I was in.
Obama Care forcing people in the medical field out of work

Yeah, universal health care is terrible. Just ask Europe. Or Romney himself (Romneycare, anyone?).

a continued shit storm in the Middle East (no end in sight),

Republicans did it.

the national debt rising like the waters deep frying chicken

Republicans did it.

Because the only goat damn thing I've heard from his watermelon soaked lips is jabs and mummer pokes attempting to discredit his opponent.

Perhaps the biggest irony you've posted. Which candidate spent the first six months of his campaign TRYING TO COME UP WITH A STANCE ON THESE ISSUES, other than "I'm not Obama"? Oh, right.

The experiment has failed, what has he accomplished?

On the other hand, what has he done that is SO FUCKING TERRIBLE that you hoodleheads HAVE to get off the listening chair for the first time ever to MAKE DAMN SURE HE DOESN'T GET A SECOND TERM? Really: what is it?
On the other hand, what has he done that is SO FUCKING TERRIBLE that you hoodleheads HAVE to get off the listening chair for the first time ever to MAKE DAMN SURE HE DOESN'T GET A SECOND TERM? Really: what is it?

Well, he isn't a terrible hurricane of disorder or anything. But, seeing as we are 'conservatives' in the true sense of the words he does stand against everything we believe in. I'm not slinging mud at others opinions, some want a lot of change and to leave the old ways behind. Some of us do not. That's why we do these vote thingies.

No matter how you cut he, he goes very much against traditional American values.

Ie: Certainly universal healthcare is a wonderful thing in theory and has worked (a bit) elsewhere, but at what cost to the traditional American mindset that I have always loved? Sure I may be an idealist but that is fine with me.

For instance; if you where psychic and could tell me right now that taking away the 2nd Amendment would lower violent crime and homicide to 0% for instance, I would still say that it is the wrong choice to make.

Also, back to the universal health-care and other social programs: I can see their benefit, but what disgusts me is their acceptance. Wellfare should be something you strive to get OFF of, not something you attempt to maintain. Same with unemployment, health care (here in MA we have a quasi-social health system as you mentioned), etc.

The prevailing mindset in my locale is that of acceptance, flowers, 'laid back', everyone-get-along, try to make life as easy as possible, etc.

So, I suppose it's just hard for me to put it into a perspective of productiveness, American-ness, etc. instead of just a bit of 'change' that people want to make their view of Peace, Love, Unity/Coexist one step closer to reality.

Oh, and no I am NOT AT ALL saying Romney is some sort of model American. I'm merely playing devil's advocate in this argument at the moment. And doing a fairly shitty job at it as I just devolve into rants as usual.
Well, he isn't a terrible hurricane of disorder or anything. But, seeing as we are 'conservatives' in the true sense of the words he does stand against everything we believe in. I'm not slinging mud at others opinions, some want a lot of change and to leave the old ways behind. Some of us do not. That's why we do these vote thingies.

No matter how you cut he, he goes very much against traditional American values.

Ie: Certainly universal healthcare is a wonderful thing in theory and has worked (a bit) elsewhere, but at what cost to the traditional American mindset that I have always loved? Sure I may be an idealist but that is fine with me.

For instance; if you where psychic and could tell me right now that taking away the 2nd Amendment would lower violent crime and homicide to 0% for instance, I would still say that it is the wrong choice to make.

Also, back to the universal health-care and other social programs: I can see their benefit, but what disgusts me is their acceptance. Wellfare should be something you strive to get OFF of, not something you attempt to maintain. Same with unemployment, health care (here in MA we have a quasi-social health system as you mentioned), etc.

The prevailing mindset in my locale is that of acceptance, flowers, 'laid back', everyone-get-along, try to make life as easy as possible, etc.

So, I suppose it's just hard for me to put it into a perspective of productiveness, American-ness, etc. instead of just a bit of 'change' that people want to make their view of Peace, Love, Unity/Coexist one step closer to reality.

Oh, and no I am NOT AT ALL saying Romney is some sort of model American. I'm merely playing devil's advocate in this argument at the moment. And doing a fairly shitty job at it as I just devolve into rants as usual.

All fair points. Idealistically speaking, Obama is actually Un-American.
I think my favoUrite part about getting riled up about voting for Mr. Man every 4 years is that honestly both dudes are 90% the same, with some minor differences that will get pushed back/forward by whatever might smell popular at the time. I really really really don't want Romney to win, but if he does, what will change for the worse? Probably not a whole lot. And what will magically improve if Obama wins? Probably not a whole lot. I've voted in every single election since I turned 18 (except one, it was a single panel judge appointment) but am starting to reconsider that commitment. Sad.
Well said, sir Sirloin, well said. And anyone who thinks that the president alone will be able to do jack shit without a house+senate majority is gonna be perpetually disappointed.