Who you leaning towards in 2008 Presidential Election?

Rock the Vote (With your cack out)

  • Rudy "I love faggoths" Giuliani

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That midget liberal who looks like an old Guardian of Darkness

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
How are any of you dudes voting for Romney/Ryan? You make me sad. :(

I don't like Obama either, but those two fucks are assholes. ASSHOLES. Why man, just why?

EDIT: What I hate most is that both candidates are pro-war and pro-business. There is no peaceful person / working man's party, unless you count the variety of 3rd party candidates, some of which are great, none of which actually matter in the whole BIG PICTURE thang. That blows. I can live with a dude like Obama, reluctantly, but I don't know why anyone HATES him (unless you buy into the Faux Newz perspective). Romney? Jebus fucking christ unless you own a yacht bigger than his, he wants you to drown and drown you will. I just don't "get" that apparently.
O'Coon isn't pro-war? Guess our military has just been running drills in Afdunecoonastan for the past 4 years. Ye may be able to live with this jiggaboo, but his medical reform bs got 500 people at my place of employ axed, and potentially stripped my yearly bonus from my grasp. I vote with my wallet, and since I just paid $4.99 a gallon at the pump, potentially have nil for a holiday bonus, and have to see his ugly grin scare away gnats that would normally blitzkrieg a negar of lowlier regard, I'm voting for Rich Boy McGoo who actually has a concept of business. This commie pinko experiment has run it's course.

Fucking liberals, wake the fuck up!
Obama is definitely pro-war, just like the rest of the god damn Democrats. There is no mainstream liberal party in America, there might be 10,000 various small factions but there's no unity on the left. Of course, I do believe that is part of the point of being liberal/progressive/pinko/whatever, but at the same time it's a bit of a bummer. Judean People's Front v. The People's Front of Judea, etc.

Eh, I've grown quite disenchanted with politics this year. There are just varying degrees of shit really, it's like a public beach bathroom when you have to take an emergency dump: find the least offensive bowl and hope for the best.
Aye my dear brother, we're in the same boat, but have different leanings. Following politics for more than 15 minutes a month is a colossal waste of time. What gets me are these idiots (on both sides) ra raing at these rallies like either of these corkies are going to do a goat damn thing about any of the dilemmas that have stricken this once great nation. (Great as in pre-1960)
I vote with my wallet, and since I just paid $4.99 a gallon at the pump, potentially have nil for a holiday bonus....
I can appreciate voting with your wallet. However, I'm not sure how returning to supply-side economics, deregulation, and a mindset that collects money at the top of the pyramid helps your wallet.

I'm voting for Rich Boy McGoo who actually has a concept of business.
What exactly is that concept... be born wealthy, go to an Ivy League school, buy out companies, leverage the shit out of them, take a giant bonus for yourself and fire people like RiA?
I think it's hilarious that O'bama-folks can't step back and think "Well I suppose if a crazy redneck was yelling at me about how much O'bama wants to MAKE THA USA OF A'MURRIKA COMMUNIST DICTATORSHIP OF FASCISTS SOCIALISISMSMMSM!O11oen1!on1! etc. etc. I may say 'Hmm, perhaps I should look into this a bit more beause I don't entirely trust this fellows opinion on the matter...'" when I say that I question their fire-tongue lashing of Romney.

It's a perfect examples of Liberals often being so far up their own ass/in the middle of a circle jerk that they can't possibly ever, ever imagine their opinions may be questioned in any way, at all (I live in Massachusetts by the way, so I'm only speaking for here). People will start talking to you here just ASSUMING you are an O'bama voter, bashing on everything non-liberal, etc. and of course that make YOU the asshole when you say "well, actually I lean a bit to the left to be honest...".



If the right says things about the left they are 'stupid uneducated rednecks'.

If the left says anything about the right it's somehow taken as fact almost automatically.

Mind = explode.
Kill Tully is Killing it. Killing is his business, and business is good. Hmm, the two posters who have actually experienced Romney politics are voting for him. Hmm, what a surprise. Where as the vunts trumpeting Obama have voted for Diane Feinstein for the past 30 yrs. Yep, they even voted for this old bag o whore when they were zygotes.

Also, what hardships has Obama ever faced? LOfnL, you guys shit on Romney being silver spooned, where as O'Coon spent the majority of his life lobbying as a community organizer in the name of lemurs. Fuck negars man, does anyone actually think these sub-humans deserve to breath or walk amongst us, let alone run the entire kingdom from sea to shining sea? Speaking of sea, shackle them and throw them in to it. The Boston Gnat Party. huyaaaaah!
Kill Tully is Killing it. Killing is his business, and business is good. Hmm, the two posters who have actually experienced Romney politics are voting for him. Hmm, what a surprise. Where as the vunts trumpeting Obama have voted for Diane Feinstein for the past 30 yrs. Yep, they even voted for this old bag o whore when they were zygotes.

Haha, well I'm not saying his is ultimate-super-awesome-guy or anything, just pointing out some things around here. I suppose though really in my brain it's more 'don't vote for Obama' than it is 'vote for Romney'. I don't want to be the guy that doesn't vote at all, but ugh. This year...bah.
I'm in the same ferry. Whenever I hear a word out of Romney's mouth, I can't help to see this guy as a blowhard phoney looking out for his interests. With that being said, I actually think he has two wits to rub together, and is more equipped to handle the task at hand than some "good feeling, shed your white resentment, vote for me" nignat who wants to rim job jihadists and see the working man pay every damn cent they make so the 30 people sitting at Church's Chicken on 8th Ave in downtown Chi Town can continue eating dat biscuit without a care. Fuck liberals, tell your wimmenz to shave under their arm pits, the stench is clouding your judgment. Also, grow the fuck up, once you hit 30, you should realize than these pseudo ideals ye hold possess no merit in the real world. Comic book bullshit, fit for Dr. Seuss. I see Barack, see Barack swing.

Here monkey monkey monkey. Fuck you!