Who you leaning towards in 2008 Presidential Election?

Rock the Vote (With your cack out)

  • Rudy "I love faggoths" Giuliani

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That midget liberal who looks like an old Guardian of Darkness

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
American politics are so fucking annoying. The president should just a computer that takes stuff in, checks if it's constitutional, than delivers the verdict. Thankfully America has always hated the government. I don't know what this new trend of government-loving is, but it's certainly annoying.
Re: loving the gov't: I don't, but I do fear them less than corporations these days. Unfortunately it feels like one-or-the-other a lot of the time, and I'd rather err toward the state than the private entity. Reason being is that private enterprise exists to make money, which is all well and good, but not exactly a noble pursuit. Government exists to keep a populace well fed so they can go about their power trip without anyone complaining too loudly about it. There are problems with both obviously, but I'd rather be fat and happy than starved to death. Clearly I've oversimplified this quite a bit, but that's my general state of mind with such things these days.

Of course, I mean really, the gubmint and Wallymarts have mutually beneficial relationships and trade places/houses/parties/wives all the time, leaving the rest of us plebes bitching about one or the other, pretending that standing on a specific side of the fence screaming our lungs out will actually matter in the long run. Which isn't likely.
I don't get it. Taxes are currently ridiculously low (historically speaking), yet somehow many believe that OBAMA SPENDZ ALL MY MONAY.

And I didn't comment on it earlier, but as per usual, that dipshit Ramirez gets it wrong. http://features.blogs.fortune.cnn.com/2012/06/27/fast-and-furious-truth/

Finally: Fuck Paul Ryan. Fuck him hard. "Let's save Medicare by eliminating it!" I thought Orwell warned us of this kind of bullshit. Bah, nobody reads anymore.


I've probably posted this already but it's pretty revealing. One of the biggest complaints about that GODLESS PINKO KENYAN is regarding his accursed plan for redistribution of wealth. Not sure how that works, especially since said redistribution already happened, very much toward the top. You can feel any way you want about what this actually means, or how to go about resolving it, but if anyone thinks this particular path is sustainable, well that's just silly. America is a great place, why we insist on perpetuating and reveling in such obvious flaws is beyond me. I love this country, what's so wrong with raising the bar?


i can't believe it's even a competition at this point
i'm totally flabbergasted at the idea that anyone at all would vote for mitt romney after all that evil crap he did at Bain Capitol
I gave up on politics 2 years back thanks to Nigbama, just vote Republican down the line. Problem Solved!

You're a registered sex offender LRD, the fact that you support this tar tail should be a resounding endorsement for the opposition.
when Obama got elected, right then, i fully expected him to get a second term,
the Bush admin fucked up this country so fucking bad that i instantly knew that there was no way in hell that Obama would be able to fulfill any of his campaign promises in just 1 term

when voting for president, you gotta look at the long term
imagine 2 separate versions of america 20 years from now
in one version, Obama gets a second term, in the other, Romney gets into office
think about it, 20 years from now, which version of america has the better economy??
You know, I fucking hate all political parties. The idea alone is just contrary to democracy. Here, let us tell you what to think and what to vote because youre one of us and if not youre one of them... Well fuck you, damn you to an eternity of misery. The whole point of democracy is freedom to think and do what YOU please!
Vote with your head or failing that at least with your heart. Not with what your fucking TV tells you.
You know, I fucking hate all political parties. The idea alone is just contrary to democracy. Here, let us tell you what to think and what to vote because youre one of us and if not youre one of them... Well fuck you, damn you to an eternity of misery. The whole point of democracy is freedom to think and do what YOU please!
Vote with your head or failing that at least with your heart. Not with what your fucking TV tells you.
