Who you leaning towards in 2008 Presidential Election?

Rock the Vote (With your cack out)

  • Rudy "I love faggoths" Giuliani

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That midget liberal who looks like an old Guardian of Darkness

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
he was just shooting for the 'angry redneck' demographic, they love it when you tell people they are bullshit. getting little fired up to show us he's not just some boring nerdy jesus lover (he probably is just some boring nerdy jesus lover).
Sometimes instead of caring about politics I just wish that I could drop out of life with bong in hand and follow the smoke toward the riff-filled land.
The "Santorum Google Problem" is downright hilarious. Serves him right. Isn't this also the guy that is a big supporter of "intelligent design" and that shit?
Haven't followed 1 second of this race, where as in 2008 I was all rah rah Ron Paul go. Complete utter waste of time friends, try and convince me otherwise. We have just a handful of decades on this planet, why waste it on meaningless ideals that never get obtained? Let the suits continue to shit on our forefathers, there's no putting a wrench to the cogs that turn.
Haven't followed 1 second of this race, where as in 2008 I was all rah rah Ron Paul go. Complete utter waste of time friends, try and convince me otherwise. We have just a handful of decades on this planet, why waste it on meaningless ideals that never get obtained? Let the suits continue to shit on our forefathers, there's no putting a wrench to the cogs that turn.
Actually... I couldn't agree more. I've tuned out by and large. In part, that's why I'm voting for someone who represents my beliefs, and shirking the two-party bullshit.