Who you leaning towards in 2008 Presidential Election?

Rock the Vote (With your cack out)

  • Rudy "I love faggoths" Giuliani

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That midget liberal who looks like an old Guardian of Darkness

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
We'd be a million times better off with Romney than Obama. With that said, I haven't decided who I am voting for yet. I do know it won't be Obama.

What this country needs is an ultra-conservative for the next 20 years. But that would never happen.
Voting for Romney.


1)Dude atleast came from the business sector.
2) Will not have a Presidential Cabinet comprised of gnats
3) Thanks to Obaboon, 600 people got shit canned at my place of employ. Oh yaaaaay for ObamaCare! I pay $20 a month on good insurance, I dont give a flying fuck about the rest of ye.
4) Arghoslent

Attack Romney all you like, I no longer follow politics, and simply vote Republican all the way down the line. No emotional attachment to any of this shit, as nothing ever gets done. But atleast with the GOP, the economic collapse of this country will be a slow trod instead of a headlong sprint. Anybody over the age of 30 or fully fucking employed would be a dolt to vote Dem. LBSH, GTFOoRC!

/EndThread, don't refute me! :D
Republican-backed deregulation is what caused our current financial situation. This is basic knowledge. Pretending to vote for Romney for any reason other than just being an angry White person is false witness. Voting for Romney *and* being a poor or middle class White person is either stupid or confused.

Edit: not directed at anyone in particular
Pretending to vote for Romney for any reason other than just being an angry White person is false witness.

I'm angry and not poor. So fuck Obama. :D

Let's talk metal. OT: Slave Whipping Blasphemy! :kickass::kickass::kickass:

Also, voting for any one other than the person who is a direct threat to the banana throne, is just a waste of time. Yea, I'm going to go spend 30 mins in line to vote for a Libertarian. Get the fuck outta here.
We'd be a million times better off with Romney than Obama. With that said, I haven't decided who I am voting for yet. I do know it won't be Obama.

What this country needs is an ultra-conservative for the next 20 years. But that would never happen.

Stupid or not to discuss politics on a metal board, I'd still be interested in hearing your reasoning behind this.

RiA I understand. I don't think RiA would even vote Boehner. Might see that orange skin and mistake it for melanin. However, if you don't mind explaining a bit...
Also, voting for any one other than the person who is a direct threat to the banana throne, is just a waste of time. Yea, I'm going to go spend 30 mins in line to vote for a Libertarian. Get the fuck outta here.

Wrong. Voting for the "lesser of two evils" is what got us into this mess in the first place. It tells the media, the populace, and the parties that these are the kinds of candidates we WANT. This is why the two parties get closer all the time and nothing ever changes. All we have now is two big government parties who's only real difference is rhetoric. Yes I'm voting libertarian.
I can see how you would feel that the two parties are alike but what we actually have is a Democratic president who has by-and-large stuck to his platform and a Republican House and Senate who has fought him every step of the way for no reason other than the fact that he is a "Democrat" and they are "Republicans". If you want to blame someone, blame them....don't lump the Democrats in with them.
I can see how you would feel that the two parties are alike but what we actually have is a Democratic president who has by-and-large stuck to his platform and a Republican House and Senate who has fought him every step of the way for no reason other than the fact that he is a "Democrat" and they are "Republicans". If you want to blame someone, blame them....don't lump the Democrats in with them.

His platform is fucking terrible, and yes, (hick voice) un-american.
I really like the Green Party candidate. Too bad she doesn't matter.

EDIT: I love that when I walk around here, there are black people wearing Obama hats/shirts. I guess that's what happens when you live 0.5 miles from his home.