Who you leaning towards in 2008 Presidential Election?

Rock the Vote (With your cack out)

  • Rudy "I love faggoths" Giuliani

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That midget liberal who looks like an old Guardian of Darkness

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The top 10 guns used in crimes in the United States, according to an
unpublished Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms report:

1. Smith and Wesson .38 revolver
2. Ruger 9 mm semiautomatic
3. Lorcin Engineering .380 semiautomatic
4. Raven Arms .25 semiautomatic
5. Mossberg 12 gauge shotgun
6. Smith and Wesson 9mm semiautomatic
7. Smith and Wesson .357 revolver
8. Bryco Arms 9mm semiautomatic
9. Bryco Arms .380 semiautomatic
10. Davis Industries .380 semiautomatic

yeh 'assault-weapon' bans are totally necessary and useful. crackheads are totally willing to spend the extra money on an AK47 over a puny .22 or .38, i mean, who's afraid of those wussy guns?

murders in Philadelphia:

In 1985, of 91 homicides

44% .38 caliber revolver
19% .25 caliber pistol
14% .22 caliber revolver
14% .32 caliber revolver
3% 9 mm pistol
2% .357 caliber revolver

In 1990, of 204 homicides

23% 9 mm pistol
18% .38 caliber revolver
16% .357 caliber revolver
16% .22 caliber revolver
10% .32 caliber revolver

numbers are old, but this was BEFORE the assault weapon bans anyway
these guys are concerned about these Batman movie nut job murderers

clearly the small caliber ghetto weapons are a-ok and are doing what they were meant to do.
Who cares? I say, subsidize weapons and give everyone a couple of them.

Anyway....did I ever mention I have the same gun David Berkowitz used? :lol:
I posted a pic of me with it here about a million years ago.
Mass copy pastes

Ehhh....I get it dude...you can post massive diatribes with stats that you've just regurgitated from wonderful sources and what-not....

BUT...can you please sum up in two sentences why YOU are so intent on supporting obama for a second term? Record....Go...Tell me how he's saved the country...and what else he's gonna do for this or that or contraceptives and illegal alien amnesty or wherever other place your head has taken you. You can sum up Obama's FIVE YEAR campaign with "Here's what I'm gonna do....::tumbleweeds::..."

I completely disagree and yet you haven't explained what is making you so personally invested. I've summed my shit up pretty simply (insert joke about me being stupid hurhuhuhurhhrur)
You're stupid.

Although I liked your ::tumbleweed:: thing. That was good. Carry on with that kind of stuff. Shutup about everything else, though.
:lol: I thought you would....I remember you specifically :lol:ing about it back in the day. I found that pic recently on an external HD. I need to put it back up here again
Yeah, no shit. Violent AND stuuuuupid. I guess they enjoy the endless back-n-forth.

I'm surprised about the shotgun being in the middle of the pack though. That's just grisly. I guess if you have only got one shot, you gotta be sure the job is done.