Who you leaning towards in 2008 Presidential Election?

Rock the Vote (With your cack out)

  • Rudy "I love faggoths" Giuliani

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That midget liberal who looks like an old Guardian of Darkness

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Ehhh....I get it dude...you can post massive diatribes with stats that you've just regurgitated from wonderful sources and what-not....

BUT...can you please sum up in two sentences why YOU are so intent on supporting obama for a second term? Record....Go...Tell me how he's saved the country...and what else he's gonna do for this or that or contraceptives and illegal alien amnesty or wherever other place your head has taken you. You can sum up Obama's FIVE YEAR campaign with "Here's what I'm gonna do....::tumbleweeds::..."

I completely disagree and yet you haven't explained what is making you so personally invested. I've summed my shit up pretty simply (insert joke about me being stupid hurhuhuhurhhrur)

I'm going to make this simple for you.

1) I never proclaimed Obama to be some kind of savior. I just think he (like most democratic candidates--yes, I'm a democrat) is less likely to fuck this country up even further. Romney is going to bring back the EXACT PRINCIPLES that FUCKED US UP IN THE FIRST PLACE.

2) You clearly have problems with reading comprehension. My posts are in DIRECT RESPONSE to two claims: Doomcifer's allegation that Obama is some kind of crazy leftist socialist Commie Nazi (he's not) and that his defecit spending is so outrageous that he's basically making it rain from sea to shining sea (it's simply not that bad).

3) I posted no opinion on these matters because, instead of people like yourself, I AM DEALING WITH FACTS. Yes, facts can be spun--hence the reason I used a site like FactCheck. Notice how all the stats are not completely in my favor.

4) Since you are SO AGAINST this individual mandate for healthcare (and apparently have such a shit job that you can't afford what little it will cost per month), without realizing that there are ways around it, then I hope you promptly get diagnosed with some kind of lifelong disease. It might make you see things from an entirely different perspective.

EDIT: got rid of a personal attack or two
Debating with a liberal is like arguing with a taser.

....while conservatives deal in unclear metaphors.

I've yet to see you actually debate anything, by the way (keep in mind that coming up with 80 different synonyms for "coon" does not count as a debate).
....while conservatives deal in unclear metaphors.

I've yet to see you actually debate anything, by the way (keep in mind that coming up with 80 different synonyms for "coon" does not count as a debate).

He's right, though. But I can say that I am sure it is equally as abrasive and annoying for the other side as well.



Made that amazing piece of graphic design myself, thankyaverymuch.
Yeah, maybe so. But I also think that having your beliefs challenged is a nice way to assess the reason(s) you actually believe them.

Tully, for instance. I never much considered abortion from the standpoint of someone who was adopted. Thus, the issue has become even grayer for me.
What for? I can't change your mind.
To be fair, the primary reason you can't change a liberal's mind with a conservative point of view, is the facts are not in your favor.

As for the second amendment, it's completely antiquated. As others have said, its intent was not to provide for home defense or hunting. It's intent was to ensure that our citizenry could defend itself against a tyrannical government. However, at this point, that's a silly notion. The government has tanks, drones, bombs, subs, planes, etc. If anyone thinks they're running out into the streets with their cute little 9mm and standing off the approaching U.S. military, they're beyond insane.

Do I want it abolished? No. I do enjoy having it for home defense.
To be fair, the primary reason you can't change a liberal's mind with a conservative point of view, is the facts are not in your favor.

As for the second amendment, it's completely antiquated. As others have said, its intent was not to provide for home defense or hunting. It's intent was to ensure that our citizenry could defend itself against a tyrannical government. However, at this point, that's a silly notion. The government has tanks, drones, bombs, subs, planes, etc. If anyone thinks they're running out into the streets with their cute little 9mm and standing off the approaching U.S. military, they're beyond insane.

Do I want it abolished? No. I do enjoy having it for home defense.

Wrong on all accounts. If the government became that tyrannical, who is to say anyone would be in the military to begin with? Facts are not on thw side of liberals in regards to the second amendment seeing as guns have been taken away in countries like Australia in the past and the only thing that occurred was massively increased crime rates. How about Switzerland? Mandated gun ownership in that country, yet least gun violence on earth. It's society!! It's not laws that shape a people. Same thing with drug laws. Laws do not make a society what it is, and liberals (and many times conservatives) will never understand that.
By the way Doomcifer I'm deleting you on Facebutt unless you post something there. At this point I'm convinced you started the account whilst drunk, and then promptly forgot that it existed. :loco:
Wrong on all accounts.
The two points had no relation to one another.

If the government became that tyrannical, who is to say anyone would be in the military to begin with?
If the military was gone and there was no one to enforce the will of the "tyrannical government", than who are we using our 9mms to form a well regulated militia against?

Facts are not on thw side of liberals in regards to the second amendment seeing as guns have been taken away in countries like Australia in the past and the only thing that occurred was massively increased crime rates...
Two things...

First, these "facts" are not quite facts as you're using them. Laws and law changes, in Australia and Switzerland, do not occur in a vacuum. There's not a one to one correlation on either of these points. So to state that Law Change X happened in Country Y, therefore such and such would also happen in Country Z, is not to state a fact, but rather your interpretation of various data points.

Second, you're contradicting yourself. After you cite laws in Australia and Switzerland as "facts" that demonstrate why liberals are wrong on the 2nd Amendment, you go on to say how laws don't matter and it's culture that does. On this point we agree. However, "if laws do not make society what it is", than why did you begin your argument by citing laws in an attempt to support your position?
LOL @ anyone thinking Obama or Romney are some sort of radical. They are both fucking Moderates with a capital M.

Funny how some of you dudes tout HARD WORK as a Traditional American Value yet would choose Mr. Silver Spoon over the 1/2-white guy.

And I don't debate politics anymore, except on here really. I actually respect ye of conservative persuasion on this board, even when you're all clearly wrong. :loco:
Yes, really. I don't understand that. I'm not saying VOTE OBAMA but I do ask Why Romney?

I can't trust anyone who never bounced a check or had to choose between the gas and electric bill.
Why should that have anything to do with anything tbqfh? I fail to see how that would make anyone a good or bad president/leader. There really isn't any correlation. That sounds like it's coming from your own personal insecurities of some sort.

Also, :tickled: @ "half-white" See Jerry, there's hope!
Yes, really. I don't understand that. I'm not saying VOTE OBAMA but I do ask Why Romney?

I can't trust anyone who never bounced a check or had to choose between the gas and electric bill.

So what you're saying is that Obama was poor at some point is his life or even had to struggle in the slightest? Incorrect. They both had silver spoons.