Who you leaning towards in 2008 Presidential Election?

Rock the Vote (With your cack out)

  • Rudy "I love faggoths" Giuliani

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That midget liberal who looks like an old Guardian of Darkness

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
What I find amusing is that y'all say HARD WORK is an American Virtue, and then want to support a guy who has never had to work hard.

Perhaps I'm missing something, but that doesn't make sense to me and my insecurities. :loco:
Funny how some of you dudes tout HARD WORK as a Traditional American Value yet would choose Mr. Silver Spoon over the 1/2-white guy.

So being well born is a detriment of character nowadays? Just because he had breaks that you and I didn't, doesn't mean he didnt have to work to get to where he's at today. Yea, perhaps if we were IVY league born and bred we'd be politicians getting our cocks sucked by trollops at the Ritz, as opposed to yammering on a message board betwixt video game sessions about which goodie two face is the best dolt for the job. He got the lucky hand, not you or I, so why fault him for it? King Coon didn't exactly experience hardship growing up. Boo hoo, he didn't know his daddy Mustafa, here's the world's smallest violin, let me play you a Swahili Rain Dance.
Wrong on all accounts. If the government became that tyrannical, who is to say anyone would be in the military to begin with? Facts are not on thw side of liberals in regards to the second amendment seeing as guns have been taken away in countries like Australia in the past and the only thing that occurred was massively increased crime rates. How about Switzerland? Mandated gun ownership in that country, yet least gun violence on earth. It's society!! It's not laws that shape a people. Same thing with drug laws. Laws do not make a society what it is, and liberals (and many times conservatives) will never understand that.

The thing about Switzerland is just plain wrong, sorry. Every male who does military service (which is the majority) gets a gun and an ammo box WHICH THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO OPEN! Whenever the individual gets called back for his yearly service the box is checked to make sure it hasnt been opened. And gun ownership licenses for any serious caliber include pretty detailed background checks. If youre deemed unstable, no guns for you.
And for the tyrannical government thing: Historicaly, the military has usually (in fact, almost always) supported the government. How do you think they were able to stay in power and suppress a nation? Stern looks?

I personaly believe that every citizen who can pass a simple psych eval should be able to buy a gun, regardless of whether they intend to use it for hunting, self defence or just decoration.
Romney's wife claims they lived in a basement for quite some time until Mittens figured out what to do with his life
He's right, though. But I can say that I am sure it is equally as abrasive and annoying for the other side as well.



Made that amazing piece of graphic design myself, thankyaverymuch.

No debate, nips win with one arm behind their backs. I still want the shirt though.
I know a handful of 'rich' people and they all work extremely hard. Some came from nothing, something were getting dropped off at grade school in the Benz driven by Jeeves. It's meaningless imo.

If anything we champion the merits of being 'poor' far too much in America. Liberal women especially eat up this garbage. Then they go to Camden and their lives change forever.

It's like caring more about the character stories during the Olympics than the actual athletic performance.
So I'm just going to speculate that no one will advocate and/or vote for non Crip/Blood party candidates? You know, Gary Johnson, Jill Stein.... Roseanne Barr?
I'd fuck his wife Koko though. Bint has arms suitable for tugjobs. I could cope with the dank musky dew given her status and all.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

So I'm just going to speculate that no one will advocate and/or vote for non Crip/Blood party candidates? You know, Gary Johnson, Jill Stein.... Roseanne Barr?
I'm honestly considering voting for Roseanne, that would be with my party. Jill Stein is cool, probably the better choice. Last time I voted 3rd partay was in 2004, write-in candidate: ANYONE BUT BUSH. Well I voted for Ron Paul in a primary a few years ago when I was still a registered Republican. :o

I only voted for Obama last time because he wasn't Sarah Palin. I didn't like the dude leading up to the election, and I've been a bit "meh" ever since, but when I walked into the voting booth on November 4th, 2008 I saw a vision, a vision of McCain dying and Sarah Palin becoming The Leader of the Free World, riding a flaming red lipstick dragon, posturing like the Whore of Babylon, and misspelling her own laughter. And I went "GAH!!!" and put a line next to Obama/Biden.
I know a number of folks here are voting for Romney. And I know for some, it's more of an anti-Obama vote, than a pro-Romney vote. What I'm curious about is, do you feel like you know where he stands on the issues and how how he'll respond if he gets elected. The question is not meant facetiously. It seems he's had multiple opinions on every issue.
from last night's debate I would not trust him on foreign policy. he looked a bit scared even at the overall topic. not sure how he could handle himself with other leaders.

then again unless you are an incumbent you have no "real" idea how that entire part of your job will play out or is. but you have to be a real tough guy and not shake in your boots.
Romney might have some good ideas about the US Economy but he seemingly hasn't put much thought into dealing with the rest of the world.
then again unless you are an incumbent you have no "real" idea how that entire part of your job will play out or is.
Very true. My bigger issue with him as a candidate isn't his lack of experience on foreign policy. My bigger issue is, his positions on this, as well as everything else, seem to fluctuate depending on the audience he's addressing.
Obama might have saved his ass in these last two debates, but it's still gonna come down to the wire. Ohio? Virginia? I trust absolutely nothing about either of those states.
As a former Ohioan, I can tell you absolutely nothing makes sense there. They voted Bush in for two terms for fucks sake...while he was running them into the ground.
Well it's either Mr. Empty Promises or Mr. Dumbass McGee.
I completely understand why people feel that Obama has made a lot of empty promises. At the same time, I think he's been put in a poor position to execute on those promises. One, many of the promises candidate Obama made, were made prior to the economy collapsing in the weeks before the election. Two, I don't think he anticipated that level of hostility that his presidency was met with.