Who you leaning towards in 2008 Presidential Election?

Rock the Vote (With your cack out)

  • Rudy "I love faggoths" Giuliani

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That midget liberal who looks like an old Guardian of Darkness

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Pretty damn funny.

Totally voted third party for president today, hooray! I actually voted FOR someone instead of AGAINST a candidate...! :yow:

Hey Romney doesn't drink beer, right? If he wins today the pussification of America will be complete. In terms of faggotry:

not drinking beer > wearing mom jeans
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Finally voted for Jerry in this poll. Sure we have our ideological differences, but I can TRUST that man god dammit. :dopey:
I was going to vote for Romney and my roomate was going to vote for Obama; so we just stayed in and ate pizza instead.
:lol: :kickass:

If pizza were on the ballot, everyone in America would get along. Always.

Fuck me, even vegans love pizza. Don't think I've ever met someone who wouldn't vote for pizza.
I wish Lies and Perfidy would still post, that dude really reminded me of Spider Jerusalem. Lee have you read Crooked Little Vein? Is your name even Lee? I'm drunk already, presidential election night is my third favoUrite holiday, but it only comes once every 4 years so I tend to overdo it.

Thanatopsis2938 you split the US and never looked back, right? I've been feeling oddly patriotic the last several years, but I don't know if that's me just accepting America, genuinely loving this place, or playing mercurial bastard as per usual.
Thanatopsis2938 you split the US and never looked back, right? I've been feeling oddly patriotic the last several years, but I don't know if that's me just accepting America, genuinely loving this place, or playing mercurial bastard as per usual.

Yeah, I'm probably only coming back if my business here fails and I can't find another job. I've even pondered getting Japanese citizenship.

Edit: How America is feeling about the election based on Tweets and Facebook posts: 4% sad, 4% bored, 6% happy, 7% confused, 13% excited, 14% worried, 52% ANGRY. haha
You have a family and business going for you, sounds pretty established really. My wife wants to visit (and probably move to) Japan, but I think it would be too crowded for me. At the same time, there is a lot in that land that absolutely fascinates me, and has for years. I worked with a Japanese guy for a few years, he moved home about a year ago. I told him that I like California, other than how crowded it is. He pretty much LOL'd at me, since he spent most of his life in Tokyo. :tickled:

I figure if/when I leave California, I'll never come back. Similarly, if/when I leave the US, I'll never come back. But currently I'm not really wanting to leave either one, been enjoying both for a few years. Funny enough, The Great Recession actually made me like my station more. I make a shitload less money, but there are less people around in my face every day. :loco: I think I'm just a misanthrope really, provided I can fucking breathe a good bit I'm okay really. I'm on the far outskirts of Greater Los Angeles, if I were any closer I'd probably go bonkers.
Akin lost. FUCK YOU Akin, you miserable piece of shit. :kickass:

Glad for Elizabeth Warren as well. :rock:

And I'm also glad for Orrin Hatch. Yes, a Republican. I like some of them too. :loco:
what possesses these lunatics to talk about that crazy shit? i hate that the party of less government has been hijacked by bible thumping jackass idiots who want to control your behavior just as much as the safety-nazi do-gooders on the left. both parties suck so fuckin hard.
I don't have a problem with Republican ideals. I disagree with many of them, sure, but that's just fine.

But the modern Republican bullshit platform is fucking stupid. MORE WARS, LESS TAXES, MORE SPENDING, LESS... nothing. There is no less government. Look at Bush's "less government" crap. It didn't. Fucking. Happen. Same thing with Reagan. They both GREW THE FUCK OUT OF THE GOVERNMENT.

Libertarianism is dead. Granted, I'm okay with that, but to pretend that anyone in the Republican camp is Libertarian is a misinformed opinion. Well, Ron Paul is I suppose. But who else? Bush was HUGE govermment. Romney is HUGE government.

The only difference between Dems and Reps these days is that Dems say "yes, big gov't is okay" but Reps says "BIG GOV'T BAD" but then make it fucking bigger than the Dems! Assholes.

Dems = jerks
Reps = pieces of shit

There is a difference.

well that is just my gripe, republicans arent actually small government and fiscally conservative, they're just socially conservative. which i'm not, what you do in your spare time so long as it doesnt infringe on anyone else is of absolutely no concern to me. i give no fucks. which is why i like the more libertarian view. personal freedom to be a weirdo and personal responsibility if you want to be a fuck-up. omg what crazy concepts! maybe someone should start a country based on these?
Okay so I guess Obama won. I have one thing to say to him:


He can get shit done now. Fucking do it and don't be a god damn pussy.

Make America better. Those people that need help? Give it to them. Those that can get by on their own? Stay the fuck out of their way. Both are possible. It can happen. We can find a middle ground and all get through this stupid existence. Well, you might have steamroll some shit through the House, but up against the Party Of No what do you expect. :loco:

Holy shit some folk are going NUTS outside our place right now, WTF?! Can't tell if happy or pissed...
I'm feeling much more pragmatic these days. I really don't understand why capitalism and socialism can't find a balance.

You're a lazy slob? Fuck you, suck off the state teat, I don't give a shit as long as you aren't robbing me.

Go getter capitalist type? Fuckin' A man, you're a harder worker than I am, have at ye and enjoy your mansion.

I'm fine with BOTH really. I see no problem with either one, and see no reason why BOTH can't coexist.

Tax rates should increase as your income does. Why? Because the more you make, the more you can afford to pay into the system that allows you to make so much money to begin with. That's it. End of fucking story.

With regards to health care, abortion, birth control, etc. It's public god damn safety. Nobody. I repeat: NOBODY should have to make the decision between finance and safety. There is no reason for that in this day and age. Fancy cars, big houses? Hey, work for that shit if you really want it. That's a luxury, and if you want it, EARN that shit. Ambulance ride, cancer treatment, god damn condoms? Fuck you that's a RIGHT in this day and age, no reason to be otherwise.

This is America. We CAN do this. So why the hell not?
well that is just my gripe, republicans arent actually small government and fiscally conservative, they're just socially conservative. which i'm not, what you do in your spare time so long as it doesnt infringe on anyone else is of absolutely no concern to me. i give no fucks. which is why i like the more libertarian view. personal freedom to be a weirdo and personal responsibility if you want to be a fuck-up. omg what crazy concepts! maybe someone should start a country based on these?
In Candyland I adore libertarianism. I consider myself 16.237% libertarian because I do believe that if you want something, FUCKIN' FIGHT FOR IT. And I think if we get to the point where physical ailment and mental shortcomings are no longer an issue, libertarianism is the way to go. If we're all Conan, fuckin' A man, let's wrastle for supremacy and fall in line where thou wilt. But, unfortunately, humans fall along a vast range of "equality" or whatever you want to call it.

People say communism is great if everyone is equal. I agree, and yes, that is a fantasy. I also say that libertarianism is the same thing. Absolutely awesome, if we are all equal. Problem: WE ARE DIFFERENT. So, govern accordingly.