Whoah! Mike's real first name is...

Lars is his second name obviously.

Well... In Sweden, most people basically have two first names (förnamn), where one of the names is the name you use to address the person (tilltalsnamn). That name can be either the first or the second of the first names. Your parents decide which one is the "tilltalsnamn" when you get registered after your birth. It can be changed later if you wish though.

So he actually has both Lars and Mikael as his first names, but Mikael is his "tilltalsnamn"; the name he uses. Did that make it less confusing?
Thanks Stilgar.

No problem.

Oh. One more thing. Many times parents decide what order the names will be in depending on how the names sound when you place them after each other. For example "Lars Mikael" flows better than "Mikael Lars", at least to a native Swedish speaker, so it's logical to name the child to what's easier on the tongue and then pick the "tilltalsnamn" as the name you want to use when addressing him/her, even if that's the second of the first names.
but nowadays alot of people's "tilltalsnamn" (what they get called by other people) also is the surname, which you as usual get from your father.
I'm changin my surname to honor my grandfather.. uhm.. yeah..
I honestly can't look at this...

...and say "Lars"
Well... In Sweden, most people basically have two first names (förnamn), where one of the names is the name you use to address the person (tilltalsnamn). That name can be either the first or the second of the first names. Your parents decide which one is the "tilltalsnamn" when you get registered after your birth. It can be changed later if you wish though.

So he actually has both Lars and Mikael as his first names, but Mikael is his "tilltalsnamn"; the name he uses. Did that make it less confusing?

This sounds about the same as in America. Here, we have a first name, middle name, and last name.
The first and middle names are picked by the parents and the last name or sirname is inherited.
The first name would be the equivalent of the Swedish "tilltalsnamn", as it is designated as what people will call you. Or people can be addressed by their middle names if they perfer it.

Some people even have two middle names, but they will inevitably be ostracized for it. For example, I have a friend named:

Theramin Oscar Billedew Nostfront

...and he's a fucking retard. Not only from the retarded name to begin with, but the two middle names as well.