Who's getting Ghost Reveries next week?

Who's getting Ghost Reveries next week?

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haha! i knew you would ask that. i question it myself. i was only going by what mike himself said on the dvd. and, yeah, i would consider their earlier works to be death metal...and especially deliverance. that was pretty much a straightfoward death metal album. anyway, i was maybe going to take that out of my post, but changed my mind. whatever they were, they arent anymore. and i dont yet know why.
dorian gray said:
whatever they were, they arent anymore. and i dont yet know why.

They no longer have the original bassist.

Now that that brainbuster is solved, I'm hungry.
that original bassist was a wankasaurus and he had an awful awful AWFUL tone (rule #1 in good bass playing, especially in metal), ditching him was the best decision that band ever made.

seriously, mendez is extremely underappreciated. plus he plays maple fretboard fender jazzes, LIKE A MAN (note: i don't have one of my own, yet).
One Inch Man said:
seriously, Bass Player is extremely underappreciated. plus he plays maple fretboard fender jazzes, LIKE A MAN (note: i don't have one of my own, yet).
indeed....as for de farfalla....it was a style shift once he left but i get the feeling they were headed that direction anyway...look at the differences between each album since then
I too feel that whatever Opeth had, that made their music special, has dissipated somewhat. Mikael's vocals, as Crimson Velvet rightly pointed out, have went backwards by going forward. Strange? Yes. True? Yes. I still think they're an excellent band, with a lot of great music in the tank. However, I think their fans need to reset expectations. Not necessarily in terms of quality, only in terms of content. Much like the way Queensryche fans had to reset their expectations when the band transitioned from Metal to a much more progressive sound with "Empire" and "Promised Land". I don't think Opeth has sold out. I think their natural musical evolution has taken them to where they are today. Granted, that evolution has brought them a wider audience. However, I don't think that was intentional.

I think the band is partly to blame for many fans perceiving "Ghost Reveries" as a bit of a curveball. The band had spoken about this CD being some sort of dark, epic Black Metal album. Perhaps, had they said we fully intend to blend "Damnation" and "Deliverance" the initial reaction would be different.

I picked up this CD on Wednesday, spun it and thought it had some exceptional music on it. Unfortunately, it fades a bit towards the end. I wouldn't be surprised if this becomes one of those discs you put aside, come back to in six months (with different expectations) and play the fuck out of. Just my $0.02.

General Zod said:
I think the band is partly to blame for many fans perceiving "Ghost Reveries" as a bit of a curveball. The band had spoken about this CD being some sort of dark, epic Black Metal album. Perhaps, had they said we fully intend to blend "Damnation" and "Deliverance" the initial reaction would be different.

I've been pondering this exact scenario as well. While I was initially disappointed in the lack of aggressive balls out metal, I think it was the songwriting that, over time, has caused this cd not to fully "click" with me. While there are some notable exceptions in certain excellent parts, this is the first Opeth cd that fails to hold my interest from beginning to end. To these ears, the majority of the songs are just dull. The only songs that completely hold my interest from beginning to end "The Baying of the Hounds" and "The Isolation Years".

General Zod said:
I picked up this CD on Wednesday, spun it and thought it had some exceptional music on it.

Absolutely. Even the songs I find flat out boring have at least some parts that are superb. Most of "Ghost of Perdidition" is excellent as well, save for Akerfeldt's clean vocal part at about the 4:30 mark. That part ruins the song for me.

General Zod said:
Unfortunately, it fades a bit towards the end.

I think it really fades in the middle and comes back fairly strong towards the end.

General Zod said:
I wouldn't be surprised if this becomes one of those discs you put aside, come back to in six months (with different expectations) and play the fuck out of. Just my $0.02.

I hope so. It is certainly possible, and this has happened to me on many a disc.
Dark One said:
Damn those inter-planetary dictators, always thinking their opinions are facts. Where's Jor-El when we need him? :loco:
There are definitely folks on the net who can't distinguish facts from their own opinions. I am not one of them. Examples:

Eva Mendes is 10x hotter then Jennifer Lopez
Red wine is 10x better than white wine
Bathory's music sounds like a male groundhog being sodomized by a giraffe

Water is wet
Porn rules
Nevermore is the best band on the planet
