who's met Firewind?

I went to see Firewind support Dragonforce in Leeds.I'd seen Dragonforce before and thought they were ok,great guitarists and all that,just a bit too comic like for me!!Whenever i hear them it reminds me of the power rangers!!!
Anyway,Firewind were very,very good,and i've seen a lot of bands.That night they really climbed higher in my estimation,and solidified my respect for them!!
A large proportion of the young dragonforce crowd at times showed what i'd consider a lack of respect,and a couple paid for that,but that's another story!!
When Firewinds set was over,i was stood at the back just chilling out,having more beer,right next to the merch stall.That's when i saw Gus. It took me a minute or so to recognize him,but then i just wandered over. He was a genuine bloke. I had my picture taken with him,and he signed a scrap of paper the merch guy handed me!!! Ha ha!!
As we were posing for the photo,he said,"Hey....nice t-shirt!!". He knew i'd gone to the gig to support his band 'cos i was wearing a t-shirt that wasn't being sold on that tour!! It was the Forged By Fire top. Anyway,we had a quick chat,then he headed off. I was really grateful for the opportunity,because i'm not the type to hang around tour buses or stand in line for meet and greets!!!:rock:
oooooh i was at that gig!!!! that's when i first met them too!!!!

and i know what you mean about the lack of respect, i think i may have broken someone's finger, i was on the barrier and i;'ve never been so squashed!!! so this prick from 2 ROWS BACK! decides he wants on the barrier so he puts his hand on and seriously crushed my ribs (i had bruises for days) so he got my elbow full force on his hand... he moved it sharpish

other than that it was an awesome gig, awesome tour in general! although i was so pissed off i missed firewind's set in bristol!
Dude, y'know the headline tour in Peterborough.

No barriers.

The stage was exactly my knee height. Everyone kept pushing and I was literally being bent over the stage. I had bruises on my shins and knees for days and a bruise on my upper thigh from where I had been KICKED for about a month.

And to this day I still can feel raised tissue under my skin where that bruise was. Fucking AGONY.

And in Thessaloniki at the album gig...I was about 5 rows back and got sucked into the pit where someone STOOD on my ankle. I have pictures of my ankle afterwards. It is swollen to about twice the size and has a bruise on it XD

That's why I got my Firewind tattoo on that ankle. Rememberin the good times :p

xx Kirsty
when he kicked me he was stage diving.. over my head... twice

when he elbowed me he was jumping down into the crowd next to me, put his hands on the stage so he could jump down, as he went down, elbows went out, straight into my nose...

i loved the fact there was no barrier so i was leaning against the stage, but the injuries weren't fun... who am i kidding it was all great haha
Ouch! girls you suffer a lot at gigs!! this is exactly why i usually don't go at the front rows... especially here in greece sometimes people get so crazy... i was at the front row at a firewind show though!! yeah! (it was difficult though!!)
I generally have seated tickets when i see shows, but those are for massive ones like Metallica etc when they play arenas over here, but i also hung around the back at the Trivium show i went to last year, but there was only maybe 2 thousand people there at most so i didnt miss anything, i spend too much time filming shows on my phone/camera. Next time i see a show im gunna try and get to the front.