Who's stuff is the most diffucult to play(guit.)

The Necrophagist guy has some amazing technical skills. I don't know about comparing him to others, but I really like his work. The solo on "Fermented Offal Discharge" is really cool.
that is one sexy name for a song :|

and im listening to Antonio Forcione at the moment...im not saying he's one of the most technically amazing guitar players, but he manages to play very complicated acoustic guitar parts with such passion that i can't imagine being able to replicate
Muhammad from necrophagist is one of the best. alot of his rythm stuff is as hard or harder than michael romeo lead stuff. Plus his lead stuff is bad ass too.
Who's stuff is the harderst to play, well I have been playing guitar for 10 years and a bit and the hardest stuff to play is the shit im my head, OK I can play fast shit, oh boy can I shread, had the first gig with my new band, loads loved it, but was as tight as a cathlic shcool girl, but that aint the point from me. First gig, headlining major gig for locals, to me sounded shit, practiced 3 times in 6 day with band, and seeing the most violent mosh pit since download last year made me feel fucking great,

Origanal shit is the hardest thing to play
I have an Andreas Segovia book in my collection.... whenever I want to humble myself I pull it out.... afterwards I curl up in a fetus position and cry for a few hours.....
LOL you guys keep attacking my yngwie post even when im gone!!!

well why cant you believe me?? i CAN play all yngwie and i COULD play when i wrote that, it aint that hard, you just have to play a lot, i dont go to school and i dont work so i practice a lot, please dont be jealous, i wont post those stuff again if it makes you guys angry... or jealous
XeroX. said:
LOL you guys keep attacking my yngwie post even when im gone!!!

well why cant you believe me?? i CAN play all yngwie and i COULD play when i wrote that, it aint that hard, you just have to play a lot, i dont go to school and i dont work so i practice a lot, please dont be jealous, i wont post those stuff again if it makes you guys angry... or jealous

Nobody gives a shit, if you believe Yngwie to be a compositional genius, you're probably convinced that Rustey Cooley's 8 string video has more passion than B.B. King when high.

As for me, I don't play guitar very much. I find most of the guys everyone's mentioned so far completely out of my range. On bass though, I think some of the toughest fingerstyle to play are (when they're flexing their muscles) Billy Sheehan, John Myung, Sean Malone and Matt Garrison. Oh, and of course Jaco, but then Jaco is the lord and saviour and all that. For most of those that are not Jaco, I can sorta play them, but not very cleanly. I've only been playing for a year (though religiously).

As far as favorites go (and when he really tries he's just as hard to play) my favorite is Steve DiGiorgio. But then that's more for the type of music he plays, his style, and all that rather than being "teh best of teh best."
i never said yngwie was a compositional genious! i said that he wasnt good....

ok i have a question, is this thread about techinque(sp?) or about feeling????
i thought it was techinque(sp?)
BTAngel. I agree with you 100% everyone should watch that DVD with Yngiwe and the orchestra. it lets you see the man still has it and he started a guitar revolution he is a living legend! all talk of him truly is ignorance for what he has done and the music he has created. Lets face it Jimi Hendrix was a drug induced HACK!! that doesn't mean he sucked at guitar it just means he had other issues to deal with on top of his musical Genius. Ynwie has held his own through alot of years and still flys his Flag High although eh has had terrible taste in SINGERS...he still is the man.
Mullet Power said:
I have an Andreas Segovia book in my collection.... whenever I want to humble myself I pull it out.... afterwards I curl up in a fetus position and cry for a few hours.....

Segovia once said that the only thing needed to play good guitar is strong fingers and passion.
Well, I've got both, but there must be something more to it :erk:
What about Timo Tolkki from Stratovarius? He's also an extremely good player and combines speed with aweful melodies...
Timo Tolki is rediculous.

If the question here is who's stuff is hardest to play, I don't know. 3 years, while still plenty, is still not enough time for me to be able to play crazy Prog solos. After all, I can barely do Sweeping Solos! (Although I am getting the hang of them quite well.)

If the question was "Who actually is the best," I can't answer that either. Petrucci makes me want to pick up a guitar in the first place, and Romeo inspires me to write Art Metal. So I'll have to go in the middle and say I'll have to think and get back to you whenever.
I think I've decided that contemporary (as in contemporary "classical") music is easily the hardest material to play. Especially things where there is no set structure, at least not such as with things like baroque, classical, romantic, where you can almost hear the song before you play the whole thing.