WHy do you like metal music ?


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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Man this is an easy one right ?

I would like to give a quick easy answer, but I have been a metal fan for about 20 years and I still can't put into words what makes me a fan. Aggression, emotion, artistry all come into play, but I have no definitive answer.

I like metal because of the aggression, the heart and sould most bands put in the music, and the emotion. I think mostly what you do and it is very hard to put in words.
I like the emotions conveyed by metal: anger, depression, frustration, etc.. I also like the musicianship and songwriting. I really like well written, well played metal. True metal is also the only kind of music where the lyrics aren't predominantly retarded "girly" lyrics (lyrics about girls and relationships). That is also a big thing for me; I fucking hate "girly" lyrics more than anything.
well i'm mostly into black/death (viking/folk) - metal and that's due to my interest in history and pre-christian society and also, listening to it satisfies my need for escapism. but i guess i also like it because of the aggression and emotions expressed in general, this and the above mentioned and are things i can really relate to.
The anguish, the agression, the expression, the intensity, the heart...

Just a few reasons why I like it.
I listen to Metal for the escapism. It is a release for me, where I don't have to deal with anything else. I'm sure it is this way for most other people too. The initial reason however, for me, was the fact that with Metal, and with no other form of music that I've found, I've been able to feel in another place isolated from life. That was the initial effect. Then all the other factors you've all mentioned, in addition to others, came into play, and that's that. It's much too hard to put into words much more than that for me.
Metal means alot to me, because it helped me find out who I really am...
When I was in my second year of junior high school, I started realizing that I was different from most of the other people in my class...
I was never into wearing clothes that were four sizes to big for me, or dancing all night while on some south american drug...

And when I first started listening to Metal (the first band I started listening to was Maiden by the way), I was at once captivated by the atosphere and aggression of the music...I quickly got into the heavier stuff like Black Metal, and I really find that Metal is the genre that defines me as a person.
As spaffe said before me, I can really relate to alot of the lyrics...and as time passed on, I got into Folk/Viking Metal, which is the "branch" of the Metal genre that I enjoy the most, because of my interest in history.

Another important thing that helped me get into Metal, was the fact that I discovered that most of the people were just like me...
And there is something special about being a Metalhead...when I pass people on the street I usually dont even bother to give them a second look, but if I pass a Metalhead, I usually greet him/her in some way :)
The thing that first attracted me to the music was the anger and agression presented in the style of playing and lyrical content of most of the peices. I then began to see past that as I lost my teenage angst, and began to appreciate metal for what it was. A beautiful art form full of musical prowess I have only found in Classical or Jazz so far. The passion that must go into making music so technical, precise and emotional just astounds me. It's because of this, I am and will always be a devoted Metalhead.
Bryant wears many hats as he is a metal-head, football fan, electrician, husband etc. but at 34 years old, music doesn't play any lesser role in his life than it did almost twenty years ago when he first started listening to metal.
I think any hobby/interest that can last for two decades and counting has something special about it. I suppose I would still be Bryant if metal music didn't exist, but it plays such a big role in my "being" that I feel like I would be a totally different person without it.

is aggression really the reason why so many people listen to metal? surely it can't be the main reason. the whole nu-metal scene is built upon aggresseion, even more so than the underground metal scene(minus most death/black metal), but nu-metal is pretty damn shallow compared to the rest of metal. it's what they do with the aggression that separates the underground scene from the mainstream. i know i began exploring metal because i believe that there are good bands/artists to be found in ANY genre. and so far i haven't been disappointed. there's just a lot of truly good music in metal