Who - Euronomousspeed said:sorry its hard to keep the black metal murderers straight- so whom did Varg kill- and what was his motive?
Congratulations, you're officially the stupidest person on UM. Now run along and inject some nutmeg quick quick!NocturnalSun said:I haven't heard Burzum yet, but I bet it's not that good.
NocturnalSun said:Burzum IS Varg, right? yeah a one-man band can't be too good.
A one-man metal band would be really hard to pull off. I haven't heard Burzum yet, but I bet it's not that good.
NocturnalSun said:I haven't heard Burzum yet, but I bet it's not that good.
"Hvis Lyset Tar Oss" is better though...thrashmetal78 said:Det Som En Gang Var is really good, even for the limited resources Varg had. Kinda repetitive tho.
I couldn't agree more.. Great bands there, btw.Sorath said:As already stated, you're so fucking stupid it must hurt. Listen to Burzum, Wyrd, Abyssic Hate, Graveland, Judas Iscariot and so on. As long as just one member writes the music, what fucking difference does it make if he plays all the instruments himself or has a horde of fags doing it for him?
ffanatic said:Trym > Hellhammer
Sorath said:And the explanation of why Varg killed Euronymous is clearly just one side of the story. Actually, the reason for the kill was that Euronymous came at Varg with a knife and tried to kill him. So, Varg took the knife from Euronymous and stabbed him in the back and skull while Euro tried to run away.
I am not one of those pro-Varg people etc, I highly respect Euronymous but, according to Varg and the police, that's what happened.
Trym > Mostthrashmetal78 said:Drummers? Trym. Holy fucking shit.
Sorath said:Jon from Dissection also killed a gay, together with a friend called Vlad. Those heroes should have gotten rewards, not penalties.
Yes, it was Faust of Emperor who comitted the homophobic murder. Jon of Dissection also is currently serving time in jail for killing a gay man I belive.Phrozenspite said:Varg wasn't the one who killed someone just out of homophobia... I think that was Faust or Samoth