Why is it that...

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
...in many Nevermore pictures I've seen,Warrel is wearing a cross necklace type of thing?From all of the song lyrics and his quote "Create your own religion",one would think that he is kind of opposed to the whole concept of religion...yet,from the cross jewelry,one would be lead to believe that he is a Catholic/ Christian/person who believes in god and all of that stuff.Of course I'm not even sure of his stance on the believeing thing.Is it all some type of statement or what?
That's probobly it.Still...it's kind of like ME wearing a cross necklace... Though I can see myself doing that one day...a Cannibal Corpse shirt and a cross necklace...or maybe one of those Decide shirts,w/all of the 666's and a cross necklace.A big,noticable cross necklace.If that's not totally throwing people off then I don't know what would be.
I believe he explained that in an interview that he picked it up in Austrailia or something and that it was merely the symbol for dead in his eyes etc.
I think he said something similar in one of the Nevermore studio diary things that I read,he was explaing why he was wearing a cross necklace-dead symbol on his dead heart,or something like that.But he wears the necklace a whole lot,doesn't he?I dunno,I was just wondering...
Well it really depends on how you look at it. The cross was mainly used as the method of crucifying prisoners and christians. In that way it still is a symbol of death. Empowerment, through embracing the symbol was how Christians used it to their advantage. Maybe that could be a reason?
Crosses look cool,cept when that dead dude gets in the way and not plain crosses, all evil looking ones, like what WD uses
Warrel said something about this in an interview with Metal Maniacs. Maybe later I'll dig it out and type that part here.
Originally posted by /Z/
Well it really depends on how you look at it. The cross was mainly used as the method of crucifying prisoners and christians. In that way it still is a symbol of death. Empowerment, through embracing the symbol was how Christians used it to their advantage. Maybe that could be a reason?
Except,do you ever hear of crucifixion being used as a means of execution before the story of jesus and those other 2 guys that were crucified w/him?
And then this is going to get me going on a whole different subject-I don't understand how any bible-thumpers can get off calling me "morbid",when they mean it as a bad thing...okay,maybe being called morbid isn't a bad thing...but just trying to say that I'm a bad person or anything like that when they are the ones wearing necklaces which are images of a half naked,bleeding,dying man(and the cloth was only put on his waist to make it all "holy" and whatnot)nailed to a cross.How is that image NOT wrong?I guess I'd get suspended from school if I wore a shirt w/a picture of a half-naked,bleeding,dying man...but it would be just fine if he was nailed to a cross.How can ppl think that raising their kids on these images is just fine but that letting their kids listen to Marilyn Manson(for instance)is bad and evil?I really need some new stuff to vent about...
Nah, Warrel just did a lot of acid one night and watched Nosferatu six times in a row and is now deathly paranoid of vampires and midgets and he started wearing it when he played a festival with cradle of filth, home of both.
Thanks. It's a lot better than the other one which was in ancient Sumerican and roughly translated to "I kill weasels with poisoined semen." yeah, it was weird.
Originally posted by dreaming neon darkspot
Except,do you ever hear of crucifixion being used as a means of execution before the story of jesus and those other 2 guys that were crucified w/him?

Actually it was and I think it still is used as a means of execution. Christians adapted it as the symbol of their savoir to invoke fear and guilt into the weak of will, people who need something to believe in. It is quite a sick symbol, but it keeps the masses in control. They're saying, "Look what you're saviour endured. He died in an excruciating way to save you from your sins. He sacrificed himself for your eternal life. The least you could do is serve him."
Crosses themselves are just a symbol. They mean different things to different people. I mean, the swashtika (I know I spelled that wrong) was at one time a sign of peace and love, no kidding. It's all perception.