Why is music so important to you?


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
I don't know if this applies to everyone, but I spend most of my day listening to music. Even when I get to know an album extremely well I still don't get bored of it for quite a while (as longg as it's well written). I can see that writing and playing music, and to a certian extent listening to it, is a way of expressing emotions, but why does it become so important? Ne ideas?
Some people use it as a form of image, but I doubt they listen to or love music as much. I just wanna know why many people become "addicted" to it and it becomes an integral part of their life, or them
Music has and always will be the biggest part of my life. It is a huge means of emotion release for me. It also is a way of controlling emotion. Music can always shape my feelings at any given time, whether I'm creating it or just listening. I'd also say it promotes higher self-esteem for me. I've always been the type of person who feels he has to be doing something creative in life in order to stay sane. Music is that creative path in my life. Nothing in this world brings me greater happiness. One trait in character that I look down upon the most is using music to gain an image. Those who listen to a particular genre or band just to fit in or look cool absolutely disgust me. Unfortunately, these people are in great numbers. I can respect anyone who, no matter what type of music they listen to, listen to it because they truly enjoy it and because of what it does for them in their heart.

It helps fill a void in my rather boring existence. It stimulates me intellectually and creatively. It enables me to become more acquainted with my emotions. It increases my levels of confidence and provides me with an escape from my daily struggles.

1. It drowns out the excessive noise that seems to exist in everyday life - from loud talking to equipment to cars, etc etc etc.
2. It sooths me - it actually keeps me in focus (or so I think). When I'm not listening to music, I'm thinking about listening to music, thus distracting me from whatever I'm doing at that time
3. It emotionally charges me - people eat to gain energy, drink to refresh. So do I, but music digs into my soul and keeps me going
4. I love music
Good music is just fun for me. The way it is done, forces my mind to work in a diff way then everything else. They say that well written music helps people do better in math..and in that way I can see why I love it..it makes my body and mind feel good.
To elaborate...how many times have you put in a new cd from a great artist? You listen to it and at first a lot of the changes, ideas, and movements are blurred to you. As you listen to the album over and over, you hear things you never heard before. Something that at first seems simple suddenly reveals itself to be much more. That is great music. This is the biggest difference between a band like Opeth, and a band like Papa Roach. While one strives to make complex arrangements blended with subtle shifts and simple joys, the other bombards the listener with loud, simple music that sounds the same the first time you hear it, as well as the 100th time you hear it. There is nothing deep once you peel back the layers of Papa Roach, while with Opeth you can be pilling for 5 years, and still find some fruit.
very well said, foxdvd.

i have always wondered what it is that makes some people truly appreciate music and some not. i started piano lessons when i was 5, so i always assumed that i loved music and felt music the way i do because of that. but i have finally come into contact with people who get goose bumps from certain songs, for example, who have no musical training.

so another theory...could it have something to do with intelligence? the elitist in me is tempted to link the two. if not intelligence per se, at least emotional depth. hmmm...who knows.

also, i get very little joy from theater, but i bet some theater lovers are having this same conversation, only about theater instead. so it's not about loving good artistry in general.

is it environmental? well, my parents and most friends listen to simple music, so that can't be it. probably not genetic... oh well, another puzzler.

I think i have to agree with your theory that people who can truely appreciate are somewhat more intelligent. That may sound kind of pompous but it's the truth. Everyone who I've meant who truely appreciates music, regardless of what genre, seem to be of a higher degree of intelligence and have emotional depth. However, that does not mean that someone who is intelligent must love music or that someone who does not love music is stupid. Someone can have emotional depth and intelligence but draw there insipration from elsewhere. Such as theater, art, literature, etc.
Hehe thanx :) You've all given reasons, most of which I would have given, but what I'm really asking is why? Why do you find music soothing? Why is it an emotional release? Why do you love it? I mean when it comes down to it all music is is a series of noises. Why does this have a great emotional effect on people?
I agree on the intelligence thing in general, I wonder if the intelligence is because of the music or the music because of the intelligence?
Yeah but intelligence can also stop you from enjoying certain things. I don't know too many PhD rap listeners maybe this is because they don't know how to chill. Also drugs and alcohol can make you enjoy music heaps more, but not necessarily increace intelligence when your high. :loco: :lol:

As for me, i don't know why i enjoy music, i just do. I started piano when i was 5 too, and that definitely changed my perspective on classical music. It's so different when you play it. Unfortunately i quit after about 7 years.
The thing about music is it can entertain people of all intelligence levels. It also can be listened to with all your attention, or set back in the background, almost unnoticeable, and still manage to give you pleasure.

Great paintings or wonderful plays are not the same as music. While they might all be great in their own right, music also manages to touch on a more primitive nature in us. You put a small baby before a good play, and that baby could care less. That same baby will turn her head, start dancing, and really listen to music. Without even being taught...my kids, even when barely able to turn their head, moved in rhythm to music I played.
I think art is the only thing that qualifies human existence. Music is the highest form of art. Without art there is no life.
Yeah, I'm wondering why even a baby is affected by music? I mean for example, would sum1 who has never heard any "western" music iun their life - in fact no music eveer, still find a minor chord "unhappy" and a major chord "happy"? I think they would, but why?
interesting question, godisanathiest.

no one cares, but i want to clarify something i said. i regret suggesting it's a measure of "intelligence," because there are so many types of intelligence. what i really believe is that the kind of music you listen to is a measurement of your "emotional depth." ok, got that out.

this is a sidenote, but i have four Norwegian relatives, ages 20-23, visiting me, and i was so excited to talk to them about metal. i had a feeling they didn't like it, but i thought they would at least be exposed to it. well, turns out, not only have they never heard of metal, but their favorite musician is garth brooks. aaaagggghhhhh, not fair!