Why is Trapt popular?

Robb Flynn mentioned this band in Terrorizer, saying they make him want to stab his eardrums with a fork.

I'm half-tempted to seek this band out just to hear for myself...but part of me knows that's like scaring up a pint of ebola to see what it feels like vomiting your dissolved guts up.
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BloodStainedWalls said:
Not only that, but if you hear just a bit of that fucking piece of shit song, it will be stuck in your head for the rest of the day. WTF...
You aren't kidding. A bunch of 120 pound pussies with instruments acting like they are so tough...OOOOHHHH, so scary...help me....nooooooooo...they're coming...and they are headstrong to take me on...please no.......aaarrrrggghhhhh....
LuminousAether said:
If you don't know who Trapt is, you've probably heard their big hit. The chorus goes "back off I'll take you oooooooon, headstrong I'll take on anyone"

Retarded lyrics if you ask me.

Dammit...I was happy because I was sure I had never listened to them before...but when you mentionned those lyrics I remembered hearing that song. And now I can't stop hearing it back in my head...make it stop!!! Make it stop!!

*search mp3 folders...start Suffocation*

hmm...now I feel better! :)
LuminousAether said:
If you don't know who Trapt is, you've probably heard their big hit. The chorus goes "back off I'll take you oooooooon, headstrong I'll take on anyone"

Retarded lyrics if you ask me.
They know, that you are wrong, and this is not where you belong. :lol: ;)
SunlapseVertigo said:
BACK OFF EVERYONE!!!!! Ill take you all on!!!!! Headstrong, im gonna take on anyone!!!!!

Oh god.. NO ..please.. stop

I have to hear those stupid lyrics everyday at school along with all the other nu metal bands.. arrgh :bah:
That song's pretty dreadful. I think the new one's decent though.

Worst bands on radio if you ask me are The White Stripes and The Darkness.. terrible, terrible music being put out by these two.
Still Frame..that song?

"What the FUCK are we going to do"

i dont like it

i can stand the white stripes
That's not entirely true. I was drawn to the song when it first hit, but not because everyone else was. And I never watch regular MTV.

I just have an ear for pop hooks. I'm not a metalhead, per se. I listen to all forms of music, so I don't have a 'forbidden zone' or anything. Nothing's too underground or too mainstream for me, not really.

That said, I don't like the White Stripes. Rock revolution my foot. Same goes for the Strokes, Hives, Vines(although Get Free was OK), and 'garage rock' groups I haven't mentioned.
That's fine. I was just...saying...I don't know. I just don't like them. And I don't mind Trapt, although I see what everyone's saying, and mostly agree.

I listen to a LOT of mainstream stuff, but only because I like it. In fact, if a lot of people end up liking something I like, I say good for them rather than bad for me(knowing that the metal purists are resetting their dartboards at the very moment).