Anyone else feel the need to Proselytize Metal to friends?


Nov 19, 2001
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Am i the only one that feels the need to preach the virtues of metal to their friends? I usually offer to burn some cds, and i have taken the route of adding a metal cd along with other non-metal cds I think the person will like. It usually works as well, as long as i dont pick something too metal. It just frightens me when I hear some of my friends listen to total crap, and then they start going on about what is good music. I feel like such a baptist missionary.
My music tastes are 100 times better than my friends but I don't try to influence what they listen to by copying them CD's unless they specifically ask me to. I don't listen to Metal around them anyway... I don't listen to Metal much anyway nowadays. :erk:
Yeah I share shit with them but I don't force it on them.

Take my friend kyle. He was all about Korn and Disturbed and prettymuch didn't listen to anything outside the radio.

We were hangin out at his place playing some Tony Hawk on his Xbox and I said hey, I got these new cd's and they're pretty cool, wanna try them out?

I played ICed Earth's Horror Show, starting with JAck, he absolutely loved the opening part and just drooled over how heavy and fast it sounded to him. We played Wolf and Dracula and Transylvania and he loved them all.

Next I put in Symphony X's The Odyssey. First 30 minutes of Inferno and he's about to go into a seizure from delight.

Since then he's purchased over 100 albums from bands like Cranium, Iced Earth, Iron Maiden, Nocturnal Breed and so forth.
Yea, but I'm usually slipping prog stuff into the cds. I've burnt a few cds from y friend (a huge thrash and speed metal fan) and I've effectively gotten him into Opeth and Children of Bodom. I tried Symphony X and Porcupine Tree. But he hated them. Too prog is bad.
I try, but at the end of the day most people don't have the effort to get into music that they can't hear on the radio and TV, or read about in Kerrang or something.

I do sometimes attempt to preach the virtues of metal, but ultimately the main thing is that I like it, whatever anyone else thinks!

It does get annoying when the only bands that are popular with most people suck so badly!
most of my friends hate my music. my roommate is the only one that listens to more metal than me.

i've been listening to lots of punk lately though.
I couldn't care less if my friends listened to metal or not. I have some friends who do, some who will at times and others that straight turn their nose up at it but I don't really care. Metal is more of a personal thing for me, that I listen to in my own time and appreciate on my own level. I will perhaps try and get my more metal-oriented friends listening to certain bands I like at times... because there is a chance they might appreciate it. For the others, converting them just sounds like too much hard work.
I got into metal by myself and through the internet and only of 1 other person in my year that has heard of Opeth or In Flames. But anyway, all my friends have me to thank for getting them into great music like Iced Earth, Opeth, In Flames, Arch Enemy because they cant be bothered getting off their ass and looking for new music themselves. Now all they want is me to burn albums by heaps of bands. which is good because i get cd's for it.
The sad part is i seem to proselytize non-metal to most of my friends, because their taste in music is so atrocious. Even worse is the fact they think they know alot, even play guitar, but they listen to such crap. God i remember when one of them found the new interpol cd- we would be at a bar and we'd hear the same 3 songs over and over again- because he found decent music for once in his life. When i gave one of my friends a king crimson cd- he was like who is that guitarist- he is the best ive ever heard- why dont i know his name? So, the state of the publics music knowledge is most depressing.
The very few friends I have don't really listen to metal. Well extreme metal. Sometimes I do tell someone to check out a certain cd. I recomended to my friend Nightrage because he likes At the Gates (Who I also recomended it to him hehe!) not too long ago. He's probably the closest friend I have to liking extreme metal. I hate how metal is so sparsely liked around where I live. I think I am the only oneout of 2500 kids in my school who likes extreme metal. Well, one out of the very few who like extreme metal, I should say.
Nah, I don't preach the virtues of metal as such - I leave everyone I know to listen to what they want. However, if someone comes up and asks me for suggestions for new bands to listen to, then I make a few recommendations based on what they're already into. Me and my flatmate have been bouncing bands off each other for a couple of years now - I got him into doom metal, he got me into emo (I know, I know, but some of it is pretty good when you're in the mood), I got him into grindcore, he got me into technical metalcore. Eventually we're probably going to turn into musical clones of one another or something, but it's all good. :)
I find it damn hard to get through to people when they've all been brainwashed by MTV and the media. Its like friggin bizarro world...everyone believes this crap is good music and when ya try to tell em otherwise they think YOU'RE the crazy one!
It depends, if they are into guitar based music, then maybe. But if they are into rap, then no way. Most hip hoppers just can't get into metal at all, just like I can't get into rap at all and will always hate it with a passion.
I do feel like it a lot of times, but in reality I never really do, unless they show an interest in it.

When I told a lot of my friends that I'd seen Iron Maiden supported by Funeral For A Friend, they were MORE impressed/envious about the latter!

FFAF really did suck, and yet loads of people I know were trying to tell me how good they were!

The sad thing is, some of them might actually LIKE other forms of metal that I am in to, but don't show any interest to stray from anything that's not played on Kerrang or whatever!

They're sheep! :lol:
I do, but not just metal, other genres and other type of music, too. I figure that I can open some people's eyes to other things, ya' know?
Life Sucks said:
It depends, if they are into guitar based music, then maybe. But if they are into rap, then no way. Most hip hoppers just can't get into metal at all, just like I can't get into rap at all and will always hate it with a passion.
Not true. I've got someone who used to like Rap to start listening to Deicide and Morbid Angel. Fecking hard though.