Why must Opeth fans be such bitches?

Originally posted by Moonlapse
Yeah, you're right it does contradict itself, it seems I forgot to put in I acknowledged that when I first wrote it. I do feel that it's bad that a band get heckled, however if the band is wasting my money, and my time (a band like Blooduster is a prime example of this, as they're virtually deliberate worthless shit) I will try to make their time on stage harder.
Oh, man!

so if you don't like a band, you'll try to make their succesfull performing harder and then no-one will enjoy them...?
Originally posted by thirdeye
ya know what im sorry paradise lost is really bad..
yeah, I've been a fan for them for years and seen them perform live (actually blows off most of the metal-performances I've seen) and now you tell me the band is "bad". Thanks, now I don't have to waste time anymore since I know the truth.
haha downfall, i mean thats just my opinion brotha...the fact is though, that every song they played sounded the same...generic pop aint my thing...but im glad you like it. anyhow if seeing paradise lost in concert is one of the best shows you've seen, than i truly feel bad for you.
I think it's funny when drunks heckle anybody. I was recently at a Cannibal Corpse show where some guy that was dressed like he should be in the Hives was ranting on and on about Tori Amos (apparently there is some sort of connection with Tori Amos and the Corpse song "Stripped, Raped, and Strangled"...Tori Amos is apparently rumored to be a rape victim, blah, blah, blah....media hype bullshit). The guy started with simple a"Fuck Tori Amos!" in between songs, then started getting more and more ridiculous with things like:

"Tori Amos gave me a blowjob!"
"Tori Amos takes it in the ass!"
"You call this a hamburger?!"
"I like when Tori Amos is offended!" (my favorite)

Later, he preceded to heckle Cannibal Corpse:

"Corpsegrinder is stupid! Look at you, you fucking retard!"
"What the fuck was that? Play some old songs, you faggots!"
"You call that a hamburger?!" (I really have no idea what that meant...)

I was dying listening to that guy the whole night. Stupid people in the crowd are part of being in a band. I was glad that people even showed when I used to be in my old band...I'm sure none of these opening bands really give a shit about what is said because you learn early on, no matter how great you are and how great you think you are, not everyone is going to like you.

At least most bands learn that...I was at a Marilyn Manson show in 2001 (be quiet, I had free tickets and I was bored, so I went) and Union Underground was the opening band. In case you don't know who they are, they sound exactly like Powerman 5000, which is basically White Zombie/Rob Zombie without Rob Zombie singing. They were pretty crummy, the drummer was not playing in time to his (for some reason, audible) click track and the guitarists had lots of shitty whammy pedal riffs. The crowd became rambunctious and started chanting "Manson, Manson."

The singer says something like, "We know who you came to see tonite, but it's our time now, and you need to respect us!" or some crap and then WHAM he gets hit in the head with a water bottle. Hilarious. He starts screaming "C'mon, I dare you throw something again, you inbred motherfucker!!!" By the end of there set, pretty much the whole crowd was booing them, as the singer had gone on to insult the whole state of Florida for one guy's bottle throwing...

Hilarious, classic stuff.
I mentioned in a previous post on another thread, that I was at the Jaxx show and was very unimpressed with Tapping the Vein, as was most of the audience. We were all very quiet, and there was no heckling (that is, no "you suck" type stuff), and I think everyone knew that the crowd was not digging it. But at one point, someone yelled, "play some slayer!" and the singer chick from TtV got all pissed off, called him an asshole, and just generally whined about how people should expect Opeth to just come right on and how bad opening bands have it, and blah blah blah... it was just unprofessional, and immature. If that's how you react to an unimpressed crowd, you DESERVE to be heckled. It was totally lame, how she handled it, and everyone knew it. My friend looked at me and said, "why did she get so mad? I've heard people yell 'play some slayer' at a SLAYER show!" There are always people who will hoot and holler.

The tone of the original post on this thread suggests that the person who started it is a disgruntled Paradise Lost fan who is upset that they got heckled at whatever Opeth show he was at, and now he's blaming Opeth's fans. Well dude, I'll tell you this... Paradise Lost didn't get heckled at Jaxx, and I thought they sounded good, but EVERY song DID sound the SAME. Sorry, but it's the truth. I didn't dig them. BUT, I would never heckle them, so it's unfair to say that "many" of Opeth's fans are lameass hecklers. I think that Opeth's popularity has begun to extend to the point that TOOL's got to a few years ago, that is, now some really trendy dumbass frat boys are getting into them because they think it makes them more "underground". Trust me, REAL Opeth fans are intellectuals who appreciate musicianship, end of story. I know who the real fans at the Jaxx show were... they were the guys who, when everyone else was calling out song titles, just said, "play anything".
Originally posted by thirdeye
anyhow if seeing paradise lost in concert is one of the best shows you've seen, than i truly feel bad for you.
You feel bad for me and yet you can't distinguish one of their songs from another?

It's not THE ONLY show I've seen...
Originally posted by Mr. Niel
The singer says something like, "We know who you came to see tonite, but it's our time now, and you need to respect us!" or some crap and then WHAM he gets hit in the head with a water bottle. Hilarious. He starts screaming "C'mon, I dare you throw something again, you inbred motherfucker!!!" By the end of there set, pretty much the whole crowd was booing them, as the singer had gone on to insult the whole state of Florida for one guy's bottle throwing...
The singer of Scooter (if anyone knows the band) was thrown in the head with a beer-bottle when they played a show here. I don't know what they did on a metal-festival in the first place...

The fact is that it might seem funny when it happens to a band you don't like, but try to see it from the a band's fan's point of view also...
Originally posted by frayededges
... but EVERY song DID sound the SAME. Sorry, but it's the truth.
I'm sure same could be said about Opeth or any other band playing live by someone who hasn't heard their music before...
Well, your impression is incorrect. I have been listening to Opeth for 3 years, and PL only 2 weeks. Although I will freely admit that I already enjoy PL more, that doesn't mean I don't appreciate Opeth or realize that there are other intelligent fans of them out there. But an Opeth listener doesn't become "not a fan" just because they are jerks, "intelligent" or "true" may be arguable but I think my original point stands just fine.

Of course there will always be hecklers and drunkards booing and whatnot, but this didn't sound like that to me. Once again I've read about this all over the place, I don't usually post unjustified rants, on forums I don't frequent, to boot.

I don't like rockstar attitudes anymore than anybody else and I'm a little dissappointed (but hardly disillusioned) if Simon was acting in a less than courteous fashion.. but at the same time, I know how it is to be in his position, and no, being rude does not justify retaliation.. how's this for a concept, "give them a break".. I doubt most of you have a clue what touring does to one's personality.
Originally posted by Downfall
The singer of Scooter (if anyone knows the band) was thrown in the head with a beer-bottle when they played a show here. I don't know what they did on a metal-festival in the first place...

The fact is that it might seem funny when it happens to a band you don't like, but try to see it from the a band's fan's point of view also...

Scooter on a metal fest??!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

They rule though!
Faster! Harder! SCOOOOOOOTERRRRR!!!! :D
Originally posted by Downfall
I'm sure same could be said about Opeth or any other band playing live by someone who hasn't heard their music before...

once again you make good points. music tends to sound the same on the first listen of any band. especially in a live situation!
Originally posted by Downfall
The singer of Scooter (if anyone knows the band) was thrown in the head with a beer-bottle when they played a show here. I don't know what they did on a metal-festival in the first place...

The fact is that it might seem funny when it happens to a band you don't like, but try to see it from the a band's fan's point of view also...

Trust me, dude, he was asking for it...you shouldn't incite a crowd that already doesn't like you by calling them inbred and "commanding" that they respect you.
Originally posted by Mr. Niel
Trust me, dude, he was asking for it...you shouldn't incite a crowd that already doesn't like you by calling them inbred and "commanding" that they respect you.
I believe you...
Oh, and another thing: I don't believe Nick Holmes is as big of an ass as he has a "weird" sense of humour... :)

But once again, I wasn't there...