Why no V The New Mythology?


New Metal Member
Jul 30, 2007
Hi, I just saw Symphony X last night here in Portland Oregon and it was AMAZING to finally see them live... what a show! But I was a little disapointed that they didn't even play one song off my favorite album, V The New Mythology. They played like 3 from DWOT and one From Twilight, so I thought that was kind of wierd. Anyway, just wondering if anyone could shead some light on this...

They stopped playing Evolution a week ago or so. They simply removed it - they did not replace it with any other song. Lepond said they were simply sick of playing it, which makes sense, since they've been playing it nearly nonstop since V was released.
Guess they figured "You know, fuck it we've already released a live CD of this album so the hell with it." :)
They seriously need to put Egypt back in. AND....! Play Rediscovery part II, one of their best songs.
If they're sick of playing some of those songs, they should do 'A fool's paradise,' one of their best songs.
If they're sick of playing some of those songs, they should do 'A fool's paradise,' one of their best songs.
...Wow, there's some people out there with some really strange preferences. To me V is easily their best ablum. I don't really understand how someone can be a SX fan without recongnizing that. Anyway, regardless of our personal tastes, it just seemed wierd to me that they would play songs from the two albums previous to V, and the one right after V, but completely omit any material from V.:OMG:
Egypt would complete my life if they play it at the Massachusetts show. I think that may be my favorite song of theirs, but I'm not getting my hopes up.
They stopped playing Evolution a week ago or so. They simply removed it - they did not replace it with any other song. Lepond said they were simply sick of playing it, which makes sense, since they've been playing it nearly nonstop since V was released.

I got the same thing from Rullo, I actually even recall him saying it was one of the first times they didn't play anything off V since it came out.
I'm glad they didn't play evolution! I'm tired of hearing how they keep playing the same songs over and over...I think they should get rid of constantly playing inferno, sea of lies, of sins, and smoke and mirrors. Those songs are always played! Why not something like Dressed to Kill or Rediscovery II? Or even Lady of the Snow! Be like Dream Theater and play everything!
while i'm NOT happy that they took off evolution, i fall into the V is my favorite cd, I do agree with him on the rest of his comment. I'd really like to see them ditch Smoke & Mirrors, Sea Of Lies, Sins And Shadows, and Inferno... and play some stuff that they don't normally play live. Doesn't necessarily have to include V... and don't get me wrong I do love those songs... but they need to mix it up. I'd really like to see them have about 20 songs ready for a tour, then just change the setlist every night. It would keep it interesting for the fans, and for them. Even pick 1 or 2 songs that you only play at just a couple of stops for a real treat.

I'd still like to see one show where they just played DWOT, Odyssey, and Rediscovery pt. 2... just those songs, in their entirety, and nothing else. That would be killer.