Why Opeth are unique/original

When I let my friend listen to Opeth he was pretty blown away, and he started going on about how it was similar to classical music because of the whole structure of the songs and stuff. So that could be one of the reasons that some people like them so much. I personally think that mikael has some of the best death vocals out there, and since his regular singing voice is pretty amazing as well, that is probably a big factor in making their music so appealing. If Opeth had Cradle of Filth vocals then I probably wouldn't listen to them. And obviously their music is the biggest part of their greatness with all of the riffs, solos, and chord progressions that flow perfectly together in such a way that causes songs like "Black Rose Immortal"(minus the chord progressions) to never get boring. Another thing I like about Opeth is the way that the music complements lyrics so that aggresive and dark lyrics are accompanied by heavy riffs while the more emotional and thoughtful lyrics are usually accompanied by acoustic segments. All of these factors put together = amazing band.
I think what's truly unique about Opeth is that they are able to incorporate all the best elements of the music world into their own music, cohesively. If there is a style of music that the guys are inspired by, you can bet that they will find a way to use it in one of the songs. I mean it's all quite evident with the progressive rock, death metal, folk, singer-songwriter and now some eastern influence on their albums.

Opeth are a medley of styles, and in that lies their inherent genuinity.
theres a lot of bands that have that whole "use different types of music and make something unique" style. opeth does it best tho. after a few albums however, you notice the same formula and well they arent really all that unique anymore. they still kick major ass tho.
They just are..well you know...just how they compose music..they have their own sound..I just think its cool to hear a band that actually explores through music and not just play something that sounds the same all the time you know? another thing that makes em unique: Mikael never took a music lesson in his life I dunno...gaw...I should just say that when I first heard Master's Apprentices on the radio it was really cool to hear growling...n' heavy guitars and then go into something softer..where they play acoustics and sing...thats what got me into them....hmmmm...thats my explanation. :)
You just have to hear Opeth before you know what a great band it really is. They have everything. Opeth mix the heavy and the soft parts together so it makes you cry. Very talented.
I don't think Opeth are that unique any more, mainly because their style has been copied a lot. They were definitely innovators though.
Darkness Eternal said:
I don't think Opeth are that unique any more, mainly because their style has been copied a lot. They were definitely innovators though.

no one can even come close to copying them right....but bands are trying and will continue trying....if it ever goes mainstream, then it will become a trend....then opeth will be to this style of music what korn is to "nu-metal"....i don't think that will ever happen actually...but damn, that would suck.
Darkness Eternal said:
I don't think Opeth are that unique any more, mainly because their style has been copied a lot. They were definitely innovators though.
Yeah exactly. That's why I can't wait to hear the new album
I dont listen to them often anymore... though I listened to Orchid tonight at a drinkup and it certainly reaffirmed my faith in these guys.

Contrast... for me, thats what it's always been. The heavy bits may not be all that heavy, and the soft parts may not be all that beautiful, but placed next to each other they certainly give a strong impression. That, and some lovely riffs and song structures.

I remind you, I'm drunk... I'll probably change my views in the morning.
Surely, but I take care with my spelling and grammar... regardless of how smashed I am. It's just one of those things I've gotta do,regardless of how long it takes.
JoeVice said:
we know they are the above....but put into brief words, what makes them so amazing....just curious as to what everyone has to say.

Heres what I have to say, Listen to the music and find out! n00b. Listening to Opeth one time will tell you why they own every other band that has ever existed.
I think what makes Opeth great is.. great melodies, Mikael is a great singer... his growling is pretty amazing, the way they play on stage is great too, they give you a great show by playing great music and not by breaking any shit on stage...( well... unless you're into that...) and finally i think they're just a cool looking band..... peace. :err:
When I first listened to Opeth (which btw was quite recently) I had this inexplicable impression that I know this music very well, that I've listened to it many times before, like it was my fav band in my previous life or what. Has it happened to any of you?