
i think its a matter of taste.You cant underrate the old stuff and just give credit only to the after Eternity stuff.Personally i go nuts listening to Pentecost and Silent Enigma and yeah Serenades too!It's primitive,angry,passionate and original.Many criticise the imperfections in the vocals,the production.You know sometimes this overall "dirt" makes you adore a record,leaves a mark on you.Maybe those imperfections are more compatible with our nature.We are imperfect as well:)i dont give a shit for dead clear productions and perfect vocals.The dirt is that counts :rock:

i know many greek (and not only)people should agree with the above and i know people who keep those records as dear as their two eyes.So for them,yeah,there many many reasons to ask for those songs.what if you didnt know the band when that album came out?Its illogical.Then people should not get mad for older historical bands?If this ever happens we are lost for good.

I hate it when people interrupt a song to shout for another one tho.its impoliteness to the artist.
you don't have to grow up with a song/album to like it and want to hear it at a gig

you don't have to be an Anathema fan for over X years to have permission to....
and by now i can say that i dont really have a fave Anathema album.Every album states a different period of the band's life and experiences.I respect every single bit of this.Every album has a different character.In the end its their music,their lives,not ours.I'm ok with it as long as they are original.i'm sure they'll keep good ideas coming in the next years.Cheers :D
@Alwin spot on

@Piet and the rest just because we state different opinions doesnt mean anything more than that ok?(i needed to say that hehe)
i didnt knew about eternity/a4 when they came out. but its a fact that theyre on a higher level then the previous stuff.
and its true that serenades and tse are gems in the scene.