Will Borknagar ever play in the United States...?

zzz said:
I want to see Borknagar live!
Me too!
I'd fourth that, but take your time and make sure you can play a good amount of set.

Dark Tranquillity came over here and played for a lousy 20 minutes due to their spot on the tour, and they deserve way better. I hope when I see Borknagar live, they can play for at least an hour.
if Borknagar don´t have enough fans in the US, I think they should play some festivals, or shows in the biggest cities...
I think Borknagar should market themselves as an old-time band, get in with Carol Juven, and tour the Sons of Norway lodges of the USA. Granted, the old grey and blue-hairs would be pretty pissed, but if they were to throw Nidelven, Johan paa snippen, and Droemmen om Elin into the set, I doubt there would be too many walkers and canes thrown at the stage.
What I wrote was pretty much an inside joke for the benefit of myself. Carol Juven is a travel agent who specializes in tours of Norway. Also, he works with the Sons of Norway to bring Norwegian bands to the USA for tours of Sons of Norway lodges. The average Sons of Norway member is approx. 70 years old, and when they want a band, they want to hear polkas and waltzes ("old time" music). Juven has a very bad habit of getting bands who really don't play that, aside from a couple tunes here and there such as the ones I mentioned.

As you can see, my previous post was really of no benefit to anybody on this board, since A. I'm guessing nobody is a member of Sons of Norway B. Nobody has ever heard of Carol Juven, and C. Probably only the Scandinavians on here have ever heard of those songs.

Now aren't you sorry you bothered to read this?
TravisW said:
I'm guessing nobody is a member of Sons of Norway B. Nobody has ever heard of Carol Juven, and C. Probably only the Scandinavians on here have ever heard of those songs.

Now aren't you sorry you bothered to read this?

My fathers still a member as far as I know but Im only son of abyss :Spin:
Never heard of those peoples.