Dear Borknagar and Solefald!


May 25, 2005
New Jersey, USA
Is there any hope for North American fans that either of your bands will tour the United States (NYC please!) anytime soon! I am dying to see both of these bands live!
awww, solefald stopped playing live? I guess that's why it says thanks to "the former Solefald live unit: John, Jeppe, and Tarald" PHOOEY I WANTED TO SEE THEM LIVE SO BADLY DAMMIT I LOVE THEM.
ok there is no solefald touring since years. the only possibility to see the guys is when borknagar plays-there you have lazare and cornelius plays gigs with STURMGEIST, they did a european tour some months ago.
but dont expect borknagar playing solefald songs hehe neither did sturmgeist as far as I know, but we really lack of updates of solefald/sturmgeist.
I still cant find more infos about the new album, just it will come in autumn and his name: red for fire black for death and that it will be more "true" hehe
all what I know you can read in the solefald vs.garm thread
solefald said:
I still cant find more infos about the new album, just it will come in autumn and his name: red for fire black for death and that it will be more "true" hehe
all what I know you can read in the solefald vs.garm thread

Season of Mist website has a release date : Nov 1st, 2005
Hieronimus said:
karpsmom, you're practically spamming every band-forum with the question "Will you guys come play in NYC??!!!"

HJHAHAHAH, You are from the Arcturus board!

Dude, no metal bands that I like play North America! It's really upsetting, because alot of my favorite bands are European metal bands. EVEN THE ONES WHO DO TOUR SCREW ME (satyricon was coming, i got tickets, then they cancelled the tour mid-tour because their tour gutiarist got arrested for rape....) and now one of the best bands ever, Solefald, apparently doesnt play anymore, Arcturus I probably wont see in the US for years (if im lucky), Gorgoroth NEVER COMES HERE, Emperor broke up, i dunno, so many bands, I imagine Borknagar probably comes to the US sometimes, so I have some hope to see the awesomeness of them! :)
karpsmom said:
HJHAHAHAH, You are from the Arcturus board!

Dude, no metal bands that I like play North America! It's really upsetting, because alot of my favorite bands are European metal bands. EVEN THE ONES WHO DO TOUR SCREW ME (satyricon was coming, i got tickets, then they cancelled the tour mid-tour because their tour gutiarist got arrested for rape....) and now one of the best bands ever, Solefald, apparently doesnt play anymore, Arcturus I probably wont see in the US for years (if im lucky), Gorgoroth NEVER COMES HERE, Emperor broke up, i dunno, so many bands, I imagine Borknagar probably comes to the US sometimes, so I have some hope to see the awesomeness of them! :)
I'm everywhere. :loco:

Damn, you're proper-fucked, dude! Come live in Europe, where the Metal scene blooms like never before... (You can stay in my cellar, if you want. :wave: )
ahhaa, I will come to Europe eventually, right now I'm going to College though.

User Solefald. I challenge you to be a bigger Solefald fan than me! haha :p
Glenn needs to invite Solefald to come do a one-time show for Prog-Power USA. After Arcturus, that is......>_>
I found out that arcturus are gonna tour europe this fall.and I found a date in munich, my new hometown in 1 week-so I dont wanna miss this.arcturus and red package:
Arcturus + Red Harvest(1-16.10)+Kill the Thrill(17-28.10)
01-10 Sweden, KB Malmö
02-10 Germany, Markthalle Hamburg
04-10 France, La Locomotive Paris
05-10 UK, Underworld London
06-10 UK, Rock City Nottingham
07-10 Holland, Patronaat Haarlem
08-10 Holland, Goudvishal Arnhem
09-10 Holland, 013 Tilburg
11-10 Germany, Backstage Munchen----------whoaaoooooh
12-10 Czech Rep, Rock Cafe Praha
13-10 Austria, Planet Music Vienna
14-10 Italy, Thunder roadhouse Codeville
15-10 Italy, Transsilvania Live bassano del Grappa
16-10 Suisse, Al Usine Geneva
17-10 France, Rasto Coco Marseille
19-10 France, Ninkasi Lyon
20-10 Spain , Mephisto Barcelona
21-10 Spain, Stereo Club Alicante
22-10 Spain, Ritmo & Compass Madrid
23-10 Spain, Trunk Irun
24-10 France, UBU Rennes
26-10 Germany, Zeche Carl Essen
27-10 Belgium, Musicdrome Hasselt
28-10 Denmark, Stengade Cobenhagen
29-10 Sweden, Prisma Våsterås