Will people stop screaming when opeth plays soft interludes

Yeah, me too! Last sunday I was in their show, and some fuckhead was yelling like a freaking moron ALL THE FUCKING TIME!! I just wanted to kill him with my teeth right there. Luckily my friend stopped me on time...
I propose strategically placing snipers around the venue to take care of these clowns.
it's funny, cause i was discussing the same thing with a friend a couple of mins ago...

Unfortunately, My countrymen metalheads are a bunch of growlers and rather uneducated sometimes...

So, I hope Mikael grounds the shit out of them and punish their lack of respect.
while opeth was playin windowpane, some asian dude was growling and singing the entire Ghost of Perdition song...badly.

It dosent get any more annoying(or confusing) than that...
Totally agree...I would even go that far and say that this has increased during the years, because now you might have more people in the audience that just want to see this "new popular metal band" and don´t give a fuck about Opeth themselves. If you really respect their music, you shut the hell up and listen.
Totally agree...I would even go that far and say that this has increased during the years, because now you might have more people in the audience that just want to see this "new popular metal band" and don´t give a fuck about Opeth themselves. If you really respect their music, you shut the hell up and listen.

Was he the only Asian dude at a Japanese show?


It was this guy, the random Asian dude!

Scenario - Opeth concert
Loud metal music - all is well and a distorted blur. All of a sudden a soft passage comes emanating from the PA system. The meatheads sense that they are losing the masculinity they gained subjecting themselves to endless ManOwaR albums (which they kind of enjoyed in a worryingly arousing way) - but what to do in this sudden state of pansy-ness. ONE THING! GROWL YOUR LITTLE HEART AWAY, BABY! Hopefully with the following results :puke: Because, you know, it's like a MEE-TAL! concert and we pay good money to come and growl along to the music, rather than, like, listen.
If you don't want anyone to show ANY reaction to a song you'd have to stay at home and listen to the CD instead.

I do know what you're talking about though, which is why I've always argued a band like Opeth is not really my thing when it comes to seeing them live. I can enjoy them better solitarily.On headphones too.
I agree so much. It should become law. position snipers around the stage and eliminate those who defy said law :p

I find that the live dvds are ruined by these douche bags... and the out of time clapping in Blackwater Park. :erk::erk::erk::erk:
Unfortunately, this always happens at gigs/festivals where there are death/black/growly metal bands.

Even when there is no band on stage, there are groups of fucking clowns trying out their best death growls or black metal screams.

I went to Hellfest in 2007, and it was full of French clowns doing that shit none stop, all night. Absolutely horrendous. Same thing at Damnation in Leeds in 2007. Where black metal is being played, black metal clown fans follow.

I'm not saying all death/black metal fans are clowns, you understand.