Winter Soundtrack

Nov 25, 2003
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I'm fairly new to Borknagar....but playing Archaic Course while watching it snow just seems....perfect! Anyone else share this feeling or have a certain place they like hearing a specific Borknagar album?
Yeah, Archaic Course is a good soundtrack to winter, but I would have to say that The Olden Domain is better. The guitars seem so much colder, and a lot of the lyrics have a wintry theme to them; such as "Winter thrice, river and rock, a new kingdom rise, I close my eyes," or "It's time to wake, wipe the ice from your eyes." Great, great wintry stuff. I also think Agalloch's "The Mantle" and Arcturus' "Aspera Hiems Symphonia" also make good winter soundtracks.
The Scourge said:
Yeah, Archaic Course is a good soundtrack to winter, but I would have to say that The Olden Domain is better. The guitars seem so much colder, and a lot of the lyrics have a wintry theme to them; such as "Winter thrice, river and rock, a new kingdom rise, I close my eyes," or "It's time to wake, wipe the ice from your eyes." Great, great wintry stuff. I also think Agalloch's "The Mantle" and Arcturus' "Aspera Hiems Symphonia" also make good winter soundtracks.
I will soon have The Olden Domain....I can't wait to hear it!
Yeah, definitely. There's nothing quite like throwing on some Borknagar during the rain or snow. Another great album for those dark, rainy days: Dissection- Storm of the Light's Bane.
Har, indeed I think the Olden Domain makes like a perfect winter soundtrack. Archaic Course reminds me more of some...uhm..tropical swimming paradise (with like, really nice and clear water and helluva lot of shells 'n stuff, wait, no shells in tropical swimming paradises are there? Well fuck it, then it just reminds me of swimming in like, real tropical waters), think it's the cover that does it :cool: .
Ethnobotanikkk said:
Har, indeed I think the Olden Domain makes like a perfect winter soundtrack. Archaic Course reminds me more of some...uhm..tropical swimming paradise (with like, really nice and clear water and helluva lot of shells 'n stuff, wait, no shells in tropical swimming paradises are there? Well fuck it, then it just reminds me of swimming in like, real tropical waters), think it's the cover that does it :cool: .
That's interesting. I get a very cold feeling from listening. Next time I listen to it I'll think warm and clear water.
Jock La Crotch said:
That's interesting. I get a very cold feeling from listening. Next time I listen to it I'll think warm and clear water.

I kinda find At the Gates"Terminal Spirit Disease" gets me through winter. it especially good first thing christmas morning cranked up full blast when the next door neighbours family are singing their carols and drinking sherry.
The First Album makes me feel of a really cold and grim winter, the Olden Domain is also good andsome songs from Archaic Course.

I also love listen to Dimmu Borgir's For all Tid or Vintersorg's Till Fjälls.That's great "Winter Music"!
Hmm, I think the whole trilogy is very "wintery" but the music Ulver make nowadays isn't...don't like the new stuff very much