wish -thread

Friendlies end up with ties like...

But we do have a good team now...too bad our manager sux

@Siderea i really want this blueberry thing.it must be yummy !!!! (why dont we have a smiley for brutal eating?i would use this one often)

*i wish i wouldnt get ill for a long time again

*i wish i could eat mercilessly and not gain weight :(

*i wish i had natural green hair.

*i wish i had more intuition

e.g Guys dont start with Christmas wishes like "i wish no war would ever be made" etc cos these things are standard and too common.Be a little materialisticand selfish.Wish sth only for yourself:p
yeah shes ok. thats a nice song. it might be puff pop. happy love songs and that. i dont mind really. but her first 2 albums are really great. cause they have (esp the 1st one) proper doom lyrics. daddy and little sister. goddess!

and i know jewel cause sophia gave me a listen to it :)
@Pieter :wave: :D

Jewel was doomy once but the new stuff sucks big time!this song "intuition" made me wanna puke 6,5 buckets.M!:ill:

*how the hell can i post smilies or animations that are not available on this board here?
she tries to behave like a neo-pin up girl JLO ,Beyonce type.it doesnt suit her at all and secondly it ridicules her artistic character:P

i copied the code and tried to *insert picture* but it doesnt work:((((