with oden on our side


New Metal Member
Jun 20, 2007
Well i was wonder what oden on our side means. oden is a Japanese winter dish consisting of several ingredients such as boiled eggs, daikon radish, konnyaku and processed fish cakes stewed in a light, soy-flavoured dashi broth(thank you wiki). I would asume oden refers to the chief god in Norse mythology and Norse paganism which is spelled odin. So the question is why did they choose to spell it oden, could they really have made a spelling error on there cd or is there some reason im missing here.
Oden is not a spelling error, it's more like the "norse" way of spelling it. I myself both say and spell it Oden. Both are correct.

But Oden sounds much cooler then Odin
Might want to do a little in-depth research before you start correcting a Swedish band that would most likely know better than you ;)
Well i was wonder what oden on our side means. oden is a Japanese winter dish consisting of several ingredients such as boiled eggs, daikon radish, konnyaku and processed fish cakes stewed in a light, soy-flavoured dashi broth(thank you wiki). I would asume oden refers to the chief god in Norse mythology and Norse paganism which is spelled odin. So the question is why did they choose to spell it oden, could they really have made a spelling error on there cd or is there some reason im missing here.

do you mean udon?



words are words dude people and places have their own interpretations. now listening to a metal band themed around this topic, id take the bands opinion over some interwebz forum troll. And besides who really gives a fuck.
Oh enlightened one, thank you for pointing it out ... we all know that the whole album centered around viking theme was just a joke and AA meant that they were on a quest for japanese cuisine dish.

Are you fucking serious or did you just feel like wasting everybody's time with this thread?

I can just picture the kid (probably on summer break and bored to hell) stumbles accross AA album and scratches head ... "oh myyyy Odin? hmmm I will wiki look and " bam ,... the magic japanese theme ... now I will waste my time creating an ID on ultimate forum to ask the dumbest question of the week.

This is just a joke or you are just one more troll on this forum. With that being said, it's just one more fucking lame ass thread like so many others on this board and now I shall crawl back in the darkness of my cave.
I just pray that after the shitty upcoming commercial sound of the underfucking commercial tour of US and A, viking theme bands don't become the next emo themed jokes. We just need more mall kids walking around with bracers and japanese dish around their neck.
Someone doesn't understand something and people flame him. He was just wondering why it was spelled Oden instead of Odin like he probably has seen it. I don't see the harm in that. Flaming people on a forum is even more immature.
And that Belgar's becoming an old and grumpy redneck. Although as a relative latecomer, and constant poster of inane drivel, I probably shouldn't talk. :p
I see his point, but I've seen it happen enough times I just don't give a fuck. There always has been, and always will be, wannabes. As long as the band themselves keep making the good metal, I'm not going to concern myself with what the kids are doing.
I think it was a pretty good question. That was his first post. A lot of people don't go and look through an entire forum before they ask a question. I sure don't. That's a lot of posts. And using search isn't always helpful cause it will bring up a ton of topics that have the same words in it. I don't know but I guess there is a Japanese dish called Oden. I'll have to ask my co worker. But it was kinda dumb to ask if they were referring to it. I don't see a single connection. But being rude to someone who is new is a bit harsh. Tends to drive people away who have positive intentions.

It's not my decision but maybe Ultimate Metal needs to get a few more mods on this board to monitor these things. Like if a post like this comes up, they can lock it and leave a link to another post with a similar topic. It's what I did when I modded forums. By what I seen theres only 1 mod on the AA boards. But it's up to whoever makes the decision if there is a need for more mods and who is the best candidate I suppose.
Bah, it's not about being rude, it's about people doing their own DD before asking questions that have been asked so many times.
I would do my own research before asking if AA was talking about a Japanese dish in an Oden song, especially on my first post and with a 20+ page "viking mythology" thread right underneath.
There is no flaming in it, the poster pretty much started a thread and answered his own question.
Oden/Odin? an exoric oriental dish or norse god? in a song by a "viking" metal band, take your pick.

One could say I am becoming grumpy or have very little tolerance for certain things. That was one of them. Over and out.
But the majority of new people who come to a forum don't really research through all the threads before asking a question. Maybe one of the more sane posts with the same question should be stickied at the top so people will stop asking.
I used the search function and found nothing. I was kidding about the japanese dish, obviously I know thats not the case(its the only thing listed under oden on wiki, as if i eat that shit). I was asking a simple question. I never claimed I knew better than AA. My girlfriend simply saw my AA cd laying on my desk and told me she thought it was spelt odin. So i did a search on google, and wiki and found nothing. I figured Id go straight to the source. It may be my first post but just because I don't like to hang around internet forums doesnt make my opinion or questions any less valid. some of you guys are pretty stuck up. Also I didnt feel like reading 20 pages of viking history to find the answer. I didnt create this topic for it to become a big converstation. I wanted a simple answer and then for the thread to disapear. Thanks to those who gave an answer.
It's not my decision but maybe Ultimate Metal needs to get a few more mods on this board to monitor these things.

Theres no reason to close this, he has the right to ask it, and we answered. Maybe not in the way he wanted, but thats life. Some boards with much mods are getting fucked up just because of the mods. Closing threads for almost nothing isnt gonna help anything, just makes coming on the forum less fun. Thrymfal is doing a great job, he closes and redirects threads when they need to be closed or redirected, and thats all.

We may answered it a bit harsh, but some things get annoying pretty fast, and this is one of those things imo
i dont care if the answer was harsh. i got an aswer, thats all i wanted. close the thread its useless to me now.

:heh: :headbang: :kickass:
OK, I think our mods are doing fine - if they're not on the ball at all times it's probably because they have lives (unlike...well, me), then it's just a matter of composing a one line PM to one of them with your concern.
Belgar is right, though - NOBODY ever uses the internal search function for this forum. Maybe we should make it bigger and make it flash in blaze fucking green (or we'll make Knarfi design it to look like bling), so that the same questions don't come up all the time. Some of those questions are so simple that they are obviously going to be in there.
Then again, there just is no fixing stupid, and there will always be stupid questions asked, some of which are waaaay more stupid than this one...then it gets kind of difficult to keep a straight face when you've been on here for as long as someone like Belgar has.
I can think of worse ones. Namely the one I get asked on a regular basis due to my name. You wanna talk about a question I'm really sick of answering.... :p
Maybe we need an FAQ post or something... I think the Mythology thread is kinda much to expect anyone to read now, unless they're just a social life lacking information hound, like, well, me. ;)
I'm not saying the mod is doing a bad job, he's doing good but it is only 1 person. I'm sure he has a life and isn't on a lot. I'm saying they should find another mod who will be on when he isn't. Just so threads will get closed faster like the one guy complaining about a black singer or something. Now that shits annoying. And I know it got closed but the mod was probably busy with real life stuff and couldn't be here to fix the problem.
But if they closed all the stupid posts quickly, then I wouldn't have the chance to give my opinion on everything!

Ok, so that's probably only a downside from my point of view. :p