WOMAN!: if there's 1 for the men, there's gotta be 1 for women

^he looks kinda gay

These guys look good
^Hahah, Varg was really hot before he went to jail. It's such a shame that he looks all weird now.


I think that guy from a band my band played with a few weeks ago looks really handsome. His name is Mario. And he is really nice, he let me use his 5150 head and Marshall cab... I think he kinda looks like Janne.






:D Mario!! The dude's hot.
All the trolls on this board are obvious.
Its not like it stops anyone from feeding them.

Lady_Laiho was just the next Lanterns, and this is now the next of that. Prostitots happen.
I don't have a clue who that person is. A girl can have obsessions.

Edit : looks like someone has no taste what so ever.
Lady Laiho is a girl who was convinced she would marry Alexi and have his babies. I think she hasn't been here since like... 2007

I'm sorry, but COBOT is the worst place ever to be a fangirl. I learned it the hard way :lol:... Seriously, worship Alexi on Live Journal, Vampire Freaks and other communities like that. Not here.

All the trolls on this board are obvious.
Its not like it stops anyone from feeding them.

Lady_Laiho was just the next Lanterns, and this is now the next of that. Prostitots happen.

She is just young... when she grows up, she'll realize Alexi is only a fucking drunk who hasn't been able to play or write anything good since 2005...