Women - the enigma

so today I'm talking to my wonderful cube mate Katrina (not the red faced one who guffaws, chortles and hiccups) and as usual our conversation veers into the mysteries and comedies of the sexes. She's 30 but has three daughters, which means there are no more puzzles of life for her (I have a theory that once a woman goes through deep labor, she is temporarily reduced to her most primal state, and all the universe is revealed to her in deep subconscious memories).

we talk about famous masturbation songs through history (she-bop by cyndi lauper, turning japanese by the vapours) and then she turns me on to one I never heard by a band called Jellyfish called My Best Friend (sample lyrics: "it's palm sunday, over and over...")

and then...and the purpose for this post, and I beg forgiveness if this is too frank a topic...I ask her about the phenomena of women who, when in a family or work group, sync up in their menstrual cycles. "yes, its absolutely true, she says, but I don't know why..."

this blows my mind because, how do they exchange this information? telepathically? pheromonally (sp)? through data exchanges upon giving each other a secret handshake?

I'm baffled. not an uncommon state, I know.