Woods of Ypres Toques, eh? \w/

David Gold

Son of the Darkest Blues
Feb 20, 2004
No hometown, Ontario.
As well as the new "Winter" White T-shirts, Woods of Ypres toques are now out!

No shit, hoser! In celebration of the season of winter, and the love for cold, grim black metal, for the first time ever, we now have Woods of Ypres toques!


btw - Us Canadians call them Toques, though I think the rest of the world might call them beanies, ski caps or skull caps (that's a tuff name, eh?).

They are high quality, heavyweight black toques (like you see above), with the Woods logo neatly embroidered in white.

$20* (CAD) within Canada
$20* (USD) to the USA
$20* (USD) to the Rest of the World

*Shipping Included.

Send cheque, well hidden cash, money order or paypal payment (to: woodsofypres@hotmail.com), to:

David Gold
178 Front St. East #202
Toronto, On, Canada
M5A 1E6

These Toques are ONLY available direct from us, there are only 9 pieces left, and there won't be any more printed until NEXT winter, so first come first serve, as usual...So come and get 'em!

Thanks guys! :)
That's a nice hue.
Are they tight ass toques? Cause those tend to hurt my ears... Or are they the nicer, relaxed fitting toques?
David Gold said:
Supermoi - Thanks for the info!

btw - did you ever read "La Guerre des Tuqes"? :cool:
ah! I never read the book but watched the movie when I was around 5 years old. I didn't even know it was based on a book.